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Ministry of Railways是什么意思,Ministry of Railways的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 铁道部,铁路部

  • 例句

  • The Ministry of Railways didn't respond to requests for comment.


  • Ministry of Railways rules effectively forbid foreign companies from bidding.


  • This Notice shall also apply to a bond issue by tender by the Ministry of Railways.


  • After completing the project, this project earned the high praise from the ministry of railways.


  • China Railway Engineering and China Railway Construction are also owned by the Ministry of Railways.


  • 网络扩展资料

    "Ministry of Railways" translates to "铁道部" in Chinese. It refers to the former government agency responsible for managing China's railway system before it was merged with the Ministry of Transport in 2013.

    例句 (Examples):

    • The Ministry of Railways was responsible for the construction and operation of China's railway system. (铁道部负责中国铁路系统的建设和运营。)
    • The Ministry of Railways was abolished and its responsibilities were transferred to the newly established China Railway Corporation. (铁道部被废除,其职责转移到新成立的中国铁路总公司。)

    用法 (Usage):

    "Ministry of Railways" is used to refer to the government agency responsible for managing China's railway system before its merger with the Ministry of Transport. It can also be used to refer to the railway system itself.

    解释 (Explanation):

    The Ministry of Railways was established in 1949 and was responsible for the planning, construction, operation, and management of China's railway system. It was one of the largest government agencies in China and played a crucial role in the country's transportation infrastructure. In 2013, the Ministry of Railways was abolished and its responsibilities were transferred to the newly established China Railway Corporation.

    近义词 (Synonyms):

    There are no direct synonyms for "Ministry of Railways" in Chinese. However, other related terms include "中国铁路" (China Railway), "铁路系统" (railway system), and "铁路局" (railway bureau).

    反义词 (Antonyms):

    There are no direct antonyms for "Ministry of Railways" in Chinese.

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