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Flip Saunders是什么意思,Flip Saunders的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 菲利普·桑德斯(篮球教练)

  • 例句

  • We did one good thing, Detroit coach Flip Saunders said. We defended very well at the free-throw line.


  • When Wizards coach Flip Saunders was asked about Wall’s performance, he said, “We got beat by 29 so he didn’t do very good.”


  • Flip Saunders, ousted from Minnesota last season, replaced Brown on the sideline and changed the way the team plays the game.


  • The woeful Wizards will visit Boston with one more chance at their 20th win, and they'll be playing with the knowledge that Flip Saunders has agreed to coach the team next season.


  • Twenty years ago it was enough to have duty free, a newsagent and flip-flops, says Neil Saunders of retail analysts Verdict Research.


  • 网络扩展资料


    Flip 是一个动词,意思是翻转或颠倒。它也可以用作名词,表示翻转或颠倒的状态。以下是一些例句:

    • I like to flip my pancakes to make sure they cook evenly.(我喜欢翻转我的煎饼,以确保它们均匀煮熟。)
    • He flipped the coin and it landed on heads.(他翻转硬币,它落在正面。)
    • The car flipped over after hitting the guardrail.(汽车在撞上护栏后翻车了。)

    Flip 还可以用作一些短语和习语:

    • Flip through:快速翻阅,浏览。例如:I flipped through the pages of the book.(我快速翻阅了书的页数。)
    • Flip out:发疯,暴怒。例如:He flipped out when he saw the mess in the kitchen.(他看到厨房的混乱时发疯了。)
    • Flip side:另一面,反面。例如:The flip side of the coin is that you may lose money.(硬币的反面是你可能会亏钱。)

    Flip 的近义词包括 invert、reverse、upend 等,反义词包括 maintain、keep、preserve 等。


    Saunders 是一个名词,通常指一种夹具或夹子,用于固定物体或材料。以下是一些例句:

    • He used a Saunders to hold the papers in place.(他使用夹子将文件固定在原地。)
    • The carpenter used a Saunders to clamp the wood together.(木匠使用夹子将木材夹在一起。)

    Saunders 的近义词包括 clamp、vise、pincer 等。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/Flip+Saunders.html
