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Hanging Gardens of Babylon是什么意思,Hanging Gardens of Babylon的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 空中花园(古巴比伦王国的世界七大奇观之一)

  • 例句

  • The first example of green walls may be found in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, even if they may have been more roof gardens than green walls.


  • Shijiazhuang Hanging Gardens of Babylon (first month of the lunar year on February 28 fifteen) free of charge blocks of wood?


  • Big Buddha Temple is located near the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is an architecture, a unique shape.


  • Photo Credit: A 16th century depiction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (by Martin

    照片提供者:由16世纪的马丁●赫姆斯科克(Martin Heemskerck)所绘制的巴比伦空中花园

  • Even though the Hanging Gardens of Babylon are on the list of the Seven Wonders of the World, little information exists on the specifics of these gardens.


  • The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, near present-day Al Hillah, Babil in Iraq, are considered to be one of the original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.


  • This is the picture of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in most people's minds.


  • A wide variety of designs for vertical farms have been created by architectural firms. (The idea can arguably be traced back as far as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, built around 600BC.)


  • ruits and flowers...Waterfalls...Gardens hanging from the palace terraces...Exotic animals...This is the picture of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in most people's minds.


  • In the upper part of the building are hanging gardens reminiscent of Babylon, whilst the building as a whole could be a metaphor for Noah's Ark.


  • Famous for its “wondrous” hanging gardens, the ancient Mesopotamian city of Babylon had as turbulent a history as its location in present-day Iraq suggests.

    古巴比伦位于今伊拉克共和国境内。 这座美索不达米亚平原孕育出来的城市因其令人惊叹的空中花园而世界闻名。

  • Babylon Famous for its wondrous hanging gardens, the ancient Mesopotamian city of Babylon had as turbulent a history as its location in present-day Iraq suggests.

    巴比伦 古巴比伦位于今伊拉克共和国境内。这座美索不达米亚平原孕育出来的城市因其令人惊叹的空中花园而世界闻名。

  • Tablets from the time of Nebuchadnezzar do not have a single reference to the Hanging Gardens,although descriptions of his palace, the city of Babylon, and the walls are found.


  • In classical times, the city walls of Babylon were spoken of with admiration and astonishment, while her Hanging Gardens were accounted one of the Seven Wonders of the World.


  • 网络扩展资料

    “Hanging Gardens of Babylon”是指古代巴比伦的一个传说中的花园,位于伊拉克的伯沙巴(Borsippa)城市,是世界七大奇迹之一。Hanging Gardens of Babylon的英文中,hanging意为悬挂,gardens意为花园,of Babylon则指花园位于巴比伦。


    • The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were a magnificent wonder of the ancient world.(巴比伦悬挂花园是古代世界的壮丽奇观。)
    • The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were believed to have been built by King Nebuchadnezzar II.(巴比伦悬挂花园被认为是由尼布甲尼撒二世国王建造的。)


    Hanging Gardens of Babylon通常作为一个固定短语出现,用来指代古代巴比伦的传说花园。


    Hanging Gardens of Babylon是古代巴比伦的一个传说中的花园,传说是由尼布甲尼撒二世国王为了让他的妻子安慰思乡之情而建造的。花园是由高悬的层层花坛组成的,花坛上种植着各种各样的花卉和树木,形成了一个充满鲜花和绿色植物的美丽景象。


    • Babylonian Gardens(巴比伦花园)


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