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affective tone是什么意思,affective tone的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 情调

  • 例句

  • The wife cannot substitute the sweetheart, because she does not have the sweetheart to have the affective tone;


  • Next, in the room the soft decoration four seasons are all suitable, both can manifest the four seasons the affective tone and to be able to adjust human's mood.


  • Adds an affective tone for the family supper, or whispers for the friend adds a spot to be intimate, this section pulls Philippine legend Bordeaux red is electing of the ideal.


  • 网络扩展资料

    Affective tone refers to the emotional quality or character of a piece of language, such as a word, sentence, or passage. It reflects the speaker or writer's attitude or feeling towards the topic or audience. In Chinese, affective tone is also known as "情感色彩" (qínggǎn sècǎi).

    Example Sentences

    • The affective tone of her voice was angry when she spoke to him. (她的语气情感色彩很生气,当她和他说话时。)
    • The author used a positive affective tone to encourage readers to take action. (作者用积极的情感色彩鼓励读者采取行动。)


    Affective tone can be conveyed through a variety of linguistic features, including word choice, sentence structure, and intonation. It can be used to express a range of emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, or fear. Affective tone can also be influenced by cultural or social factors.


    Affective tone can also be referred to as emotional tone, expressive tone, or emotional color.


    The opposite of affective tone is neutral tone, which lacks emotional or expressive qualities.

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