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analytical model是什么意思,analytical model的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 分析模型,解析模型

  • 例句

  • Establish one class per analytical model.


  • An analytical model for sensitized fluorescence has been developed.


  • An analytical model of fuzzy assessment of water quality is studied.


  • The analytical model used is the linear and parameter time-invariable system.


  • The first theory is descriptive model, and the second theory is analytical model.


  • 网络扩展资料

    "Analytical" in Chinese is "分析性的" (fēn xī xìng de). "Model" in Chinese is "模型" (mó xíng).

    An analytical model is a mathematical model that uses equations and mathematical functions to describe and analyze a system or process. It is used in many fields, including physics, engineering, economics, and biology, to help understand complex systems and make predictions about their behavior.

    Here are some example sentences:

    • The engineer used an analytical model to predict how the new bridge would withstand high winds. (工程师使用了分析性模型来预测新桥如何经受高风。)
    • The economist developed an analytical model to study the effects of changes in interest rates on the economy. (经济学家开发了一个分析性模型来研究利率变化对经济的影响。)

    "Analytical" is often used in contrast to "numerical", which refers to models that use numerical methods to approximate the solution to a problem instead of solving it exactly using equations.

    Here are some synonyms and related words for "analytical" and "model":

    • Synonyms for "analytical": logical, methodical, systematic, rational, critical
    • Synonyms for "model": framework, simulation, representation, prototype, pattern
    • Antonyms for "analytical": illogical, irrational, disorganized, unmethodical
    • Antonyms for "model": chaos, disorder, randomness

    Overall, an analytical model is a powerful tool for understanding complex systems and making predictions about their behavior.

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