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as it were是什么意思,as it were的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 可以说是,似乎就是;好像

  • 例句

  • I'd understood the words, but I didn't, as it were, understand the question.


  • Teachers must put the brakes on, as it were, when they notice students looking puzzled.


  • It is easier, he says, Don't look at an individual microscopically as it were through a magnifying glass.


  • The trend, as it were, is not new.


  • That is the first rung, as it were.


  • 同义词

  • |as if=as though;可以说是,似乎就是;好像

  • 网络扩展资料

    单词 "as it were" 是一个固定短语,常用于口语和写作中,有时也可简写为 "as were"。它的意思是 "可以这么说"、"可以这样理解" 或者 "可以这样描述",用于表示某个说法或描述并不完全准确或恰当,或者是在提供一种比喻或类比的描述。下面是一些例句和用法解释:

    • 例句:As it were, the two companies were competing for the same market share.

      • 中文解释:可以这么说,这两家公司都在争夺同一个市场份额。
      • 解释:在这个例子中,"as it were" 的意思是 "可以这么说",表示说话者并不确定自己的说法是否完全准确,但是想要表达某种程度上的真实情况。
      • 近义词:so to speak, in a manner of speaking, in a way
      • 反义词:exactly, precisely
    • 例句:The building looked, as it were, like a giant spaceship.

      • 中文解释:这栋建筑看起来有点像一艘巨大的宇宙飞船。
      • 解释:在这个例子中,"as it were" 的意思是 "可以这样描述",表示说话者用比喻的方式描述某个事物。
      • 近义词:so to say, in a manner of speaking, metaphorically
      • 反义词:literally, actually
    • 例句:He was, as it were, the glue that held the team together.

      • 中文解释:可以这么说,他是让整个团队凝聚在一起的粘合剂。
      • 解释:在这个例子中,"as it were" 的意思是 "可以这样理解",表示说话者试图解释或概括某个事物或概念。
      • 近义词:in a sense, in some way, to some extent
      • 反义词:literally, exactly

    总之,"as it were" 是一个常用的固定短语,用于表示比喻、类比、概括或解释某个事物或概念时,表示说话者并不确定自己的说法是否完全准确或恰当。它的近义词包括 "so to speak"、"in a manner of speaking" 和 "in a way",反义词包括 "exactly" 和 "literally"。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/as+it+were.html
