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bottom chord是什么意思,bottom chord的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 底弦杆;底弦

  • 例句

  • The single-chorded plane space truss have the low flexural rigidity out of plane because of lacking bottom chord.


  • The double groove steel is suspended under the two nodes of bottom chord of steel roof truss to prevent the bottom chord from stretch bending.


  • In which one of them was common reinforced concrete structure, and the other used prestressed steel reinforced concrete (PSRC) in bottom chord of the transfer structure.


  • Chord inversions occur when the bottom note of a chord is placed above any of the other notes.


  • A chord with the root at the bottom is said to be in root position.


  • 网络扩展资料

    1. bottom

    1.1 解释

    • 名词,表示某物的底部,通常用于比较平面的物体,如杯子、鞋子等。
    • 名词,表示某物的最低点或最内部,如河底、海底等。
    • 形容词,表示某物的底部,用于修饰其他名词,如底部板、底部支架等。
    • 动词,表示某物跌倒或垮塌,如房屋倒塌、树木倒下等。

    1.2 例句

    • The bottom of the glass was cracked.(杯子底部开裂了。)
    • The fish was swimming at the bottom of the tank.(鱼在水缸底部游来游去。)
    • The bottom panel of the door was broken.(门的底板坏了。)
    • The tree fell and its trunk hit the bottom of the hill.(树倒了,树干撞到了山脚下。)

    1.3 近义词

    base, foot, foundation

    1.4 反义词

    top, surface, peak

    2. chord

    2.1 解释

    • 名词,表示音乐中的和弦,由三个或更多音符组成,通常用于伴奏和和声。
    • 名词,表示圆形或弧形的线段,连接圆上两点或弧上多个点。
    • 名词,表示尺弦乐器上的弦,如吉他、小提琴、大提琴等。
    • 名词,表示数学中的弦,连接圆上两点的线段。
    • 动词,表示拉弦乐器,如吉他、小提琴等。

    2.2 例句

    • This song only has three chords.(这首歌只有三个和弦。)
    • Draw a chord that connects the two points on the circle.(画一条连接圆上两点的弦。)
    • She plucked the chord on her guitar.(她弹了一下吉他弦。)
    • The mathematician calculated the length of the chord.(数学家计算了弦的长度。)

    2.3 近义词

    harmony, progression, sequence

    2.4 反义词

    dissonance, cacophony, discord

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/bottom+chord.html
