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cancel after verification是什么意思,cancel after verification的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



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  • 例句

  • However, different from the World Bank, IFC used to cancel some bad loans after verification .


  • During this time I make an inventory of material one time every year , the discrepancy is very small , we will cancel after verification in the system by reporting to the manager .


  • Carrier shall submit the Manifest and the attached papers and documents to the Customs. Customs shall deal with the formalities to cancel the record after verification for the means of transport.


  • According to the new management method of canceling bad debts after verification for financing enterprises, cancel the loan losses of small-sized enterprises in time in accordance with the law.


  • The staff of the general affairs should provide necessary assistance in accounting subject such as budget implementation, cancel after verification , etc.


  • Deep development is to this explanation one-time big equipment and batch of history are bad loan cancel after verification bring about.


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    解释: 取消或撤销某项计划、预订、订单或合同。


    • I need to cancel my flight reservation.我需要取消我的航班预订。
    • The concert was cancelled due to bad weather.由于天气原因,音乐会被取消了。

    用法:cancel 作为动词,通常用于取消或撤销某项计划、预订、订单或合同,也可以用于取消某个动作。例如:“I had to cancel my plans to go to the beach because it rained.”(因为下雨,我不得不取消去海滩的计划。)

    近义词: revoke, withdraw, annul, scrap, nullify

    反义词:confirm, approve, authorize, validate, ratify


    解释: 表示在某一个时间点之后发生的事情,或在某个事件之后进行的行动。


    • After she finished her work, she went to the gym.她完成工作后去了健身房。
    • He always feels hungry after exercising.他运动后总是感到饥饿。

    用法:after 作为介词,通常用于表示时间、顺序或原因等。例如:“We can go to the movies after dinner.”(晚饭后我们可以去看电影。)after 还可以作为副词,表示时间上的延迟。例如:“I'll call you back after.”(等一下我再给你打电话。)

    近义词: subsequent to, following, later than, in the wake of, afterward

    反义词:before, prior to, ahead of, in advance of, earlier than


    解释: 验证某件事情或信息的真实性或准确性。


    • The bank requires verification of your identity.银行需要验证您的身份。
    • Please enter the verification code to confirm your email address.请输入验证码以确认您的电子邮件地址。

    用法:verification 作为名词,通常用于验证某件事情或信息的真实性或准确性。例如:“The company requires verification of your employment history.”(公司需要验证您的就业历史。)verification 还可以用作形容词,表示已经被验证或已经得到证明。例如:“This is a verification of your payment.”(这是您付款的证明。)

    近义词: confirmation, authentication, validation, proof, corroboration

    反义词:falsification, fabrication, misrepresentation, distortion, falsehood

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/cancel+after+verification.html
