carcinoma in situ是什么意思,carcinoma in situ的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句
[肿瘤] 原位癌
Methods The breast sonograms in 20 cases with ductal carcinoma in situ were analysed and compared with pathology.
Although this feature is rare, the current under standing that lobular carcinoma in situ is a marker needs to be revised.
Objective to study the roles and mechanisms of Isatis tinctoriaL combination acid in transplanted tumor of human hepatocellular carcinoma in situ.
Conclusions There are three patterns in both cytology and histology of thyroid atypical adenoma, belonging to carcinoma in situ in biologic behaviour.
If the basement membrane is still intact, as shown here, then the process is called carcinoma in situ because the carcinoma is still confined to the epithelium.
单词 "carcinoma in situ" 是医学术语,用于描述一种早期肿瘤,它仍然局限于其原始生长的部位,没有扩散到周围组织或器官。Carcinoma in situ 是癌症发展的早期阶段,而且通常不会引起任何症状。它通常在早期通过检查检测出来,治疗是为了防止其发展成更严重的癌症。
以下是一些关于 "carcinoma in situ" 的例句:
- The biopsy revealed that the patient had carcinoma in situ, which was a relief as it meant the cancer had not yet spread. (这次活检显示患者患有原位癌,这意味着癌症尚未扩散,这是一个宽慰。)
- Carcinoma in situ is often treated with surgery or radiation therapy to prevent it from developing into invasive cancer. (原位癌通常通过手术或放疗治疗,以防止其发展成为侵袭性癌症。)
以下是一些关于 "carcinoma in situ" 的用法和解释:
- Carcinoma in situ 通常只在早期通过检查检测出来,因为它不会引起任何症状。
- Carcinoma in situ 的治疗通常是保守的,通常是通过手术、放疗或冷冻疗法来切除肿瘤。
- Carcinoma in situ 通常是一种预后良好的疾病,因为它通常没有扩散到周围组织或器官。
以下是一些关于 "carcinoma in situ" 的近义词和反义词:
近义词:无反义词:侵袭性癌症 (invasive cancer)
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