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castor bean是什么意思,castor bean的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 蓖麻子

  • 例句

  • The castor bean can also induce labor in pregnant women.


  • The deadliest plant in the world is the castor bean plant.


  • In order to accomplish peeling off between castor capsule and castor bean, the bulk loads and direction are very important.


  • While there are beneficial uses of the castor bean, which is not really a bean, the raw fruit of the plant contains the toxic substance ricin.


  • 网络扩展资料

    Castor bean, in Chinese known as 蓖麻 (bì má), refers to the seed of the castor oil plant, which is used for various purposes ranging from industrial to medicinal. In this document, we will explain the word castor bean in detail.


    Castor bean is commonly used as a source of castor oil, which has many industrial and medicinal applications. The seeds are pressed to extract the oil, which is used in the production of lubricants, soaps, and biodiesel. In traditional medicine, castor oil is used as a laxative and to induce labor.

    Example Sentences

    • The castor bean plant is native to tropical regions of Africa and Asia. (蓖麻植物原产于非洲和亚洲热带地区。)
    • Castor oil is a natural remedy for constipation. (蓖麻油是治疗便秘的天然药物。)
    • The toxic protein ricin is found in castor bean seeds. (有毒的蛋白质毒蛋白素存在于蓖麻种子中。)

    Definition and Synonyms

    Castor bean is defined as the seed of the castor oil plant, which is also known as Ricinus communis. Synonyms for castor bean include castor seed and ricinus seed.


    There are no specific antonyms for castor bean.

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