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cod liver oil是什么意思,cod liver oil的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 鱼肝油

  • 例句

  • I want a bottle of cod liver oil.


  • Go ahead and throw away that cod liver oil.


  • Unique calendar made with cod liver oil tablets.


  • I distinctly — nobody forgets cod liver oil.


  • Description Cod Liver Oil supports health brain functions.


  • 同义词

  • |fish oil;鱼肝油

  • 网络扩展资料

    Cod liver oil (鱼肝油) is a type of fish oil that is extracted from the liver of cod fish. It is a popular dietary supplement that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and vitamin D. Here are some details about the word "cod liver oil":

    • Example sentences:

      • I take cod liver oil supplements every morning. (我每天早上服用鱼肝油补品。)

      • Cod liver oil is a natural remedy for joint pain. (鱼肝油是缓解关节疼痛的天然良药。)

    • Usage:

      Cod liver oil is commonly used as a dietary supplement to improve overall health. It can also be used topically to improve the health of skin and hair. Additionally, it has been used as a natural remedy for various ailments such as arthritis, depression, and high cholesterol.

    • Definition:

      Cod liver oil is a type of fish oil that is extracted from the liver of cod fish. It is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and vitamin D.

    • Synonyms:

      Fish oil, omega-3 supplements, vitamin A supplements, vitamin D supplements.

    • Antonyms:


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