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corrective action plan是什么意思,corrective action plan的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 纠正措施计划;纠正性行动计划

  • 例句

  • Corrective action plan that provides the appropriate corrective actions for each area of concern, including costs and schedule.


  • We take reports like this very seriously and we will implement a corrective action plan if our investigations confirm any of the findings.


  • If a defect is found in GP-12 containment area, the supplier shall submit the I-chart (or equivalent) and corrective action plan to the customer's Supplier Quality Engineer.


  • If a Conditionally Approved Result is awarded, a Corrective Action Plan is due from the supplier within TWO weeks of the date of audit completion for any sections of the QSA that are below 90%.

    如果发给的是“有条件的认证书”, 供应商应在QSA任何部分完成认证评估但得分低于90%之日起两星期内提交相对应部分的改善措施方案。

  • If a Not Approved Result is awarded, a Corrective Action Plan is due from the supplier within TWO weeks of the date of audit completion for any sections of the QSA that are below 80%.


  • The corrective action plan must be agreed upon by the inspector and the facility management prior to closing the audit.


  • On completion of this Corrective Action Plan, a supplier is required to generate second Corrective Action Plan to bridge to the 90% 'Approved' Status.


  • In regards to QC department, we should keep our wastage level to a minimal and implement our internal corrective action plan to avoid any more quality issues.

    在质量控制部门上,我们将把废品 率控制在最低水平上,并且实施内部校正行动方案以避免质量问题的产生。

  • Document the information provided by facility management in the corrective action plan column;


  • Coordinate with management representative to organize the management review , and follow up the relative corrective action plan;


  • The shortage of equipment management was easily found during auditing, then detail corrective action plan could be carried out and made them into truth after that.


  • If this action is not required, you can pass this step, and directly confirmed your corrective and preventive action plan.


  • The corrective and preventative action plan shall clearly specify the detail schedule and responsibilities, and if necessary, it shall be submitted to the customer for audit and approval.


  • A plan of corrective action should be made to address the symptoms or (preferably) the root cause.


  • Regularly measures and monitors progress to identify variances from the project management plan so that corrective action can be taken when necessary to meet project objectives.


  • The implementation of the marketing decision, provide the basis for the adjustment plan, rise to test and corrective action.


  • Check phase may need to have corrective action, when found wrong, return to Plan phase.


  • Monitor and control the requirements development process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.


  • If violations have been cited, TCCC may require additional corrective actions or measures different from the third party auditor's action plan.


  • Corrective Action: Documented direction for executing the project work to bring expected future performance of the project work in line with the project management plan.


  • In the HACCP plan each CCP was identified and linked to the relevant food safety hazard, control measure, critical limit, monitoring of the CCP, corrective action and records.


  • Corrective action may consist of training employees to do a better job, changing a production process, or even firing a manager who is responsible for deviating from the plan.


  • 网络扩展资料


    • 例句:

      • The company implemented a corrective action plan to address the safety concerns raised by the employees. (公司实施了一项矫正行动计划,以解决员工提出的安全问题。)
      • 我们需要一个矫正行动计划,以纠正我们的工作方式。(We need a corrective action plan to correct our working methods.)
    • 用法:


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