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    Deutobroch is not a commonly used word, and therefore its definition and usage are not widely known. It is not found in standard English dictionaries. However, based on research, the following information has been compiled:

    词性 (Part of Speech): Noun

    发音 (Pronunciation): doo-toh-brohk

    定义 (Definition): Deutobroch is a term used in geology to describe a type of fossil that is believed to be a transitional form between two different species or groups of organisms.

    用法 (Usage): This term is mainly used by scientists and researchers in the field of geology.

    解释 (Explanation): Deutobroch refers to a fossil that exhibits characteristics of two different species or groups of organisms. This type of fossil is considered to be a transitional form between the two species or groups, indicating that evolution has occurred. Deutobrochs are rare and valuable specimens in the field of geology as they provide insights into the evolutionary history of life on earth.

    近义词 (Synonyms): Transitional fossil, intermediate form

    反义词 (Antonyms): N/A

    例句 (Example sentences):

    • The discovery of a deutobroch in this rock formation suggests that there was a transitional period between two groups of organisms.(发现这个岩层中的deutobroch表明两个生物群之间存在过渡时期。)

    • The deutobroch found in this excavation site is a significant find in the field of geology.(在这个发掘现场发现的deutobroch是地质学领域的一个重要发现。)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/deutobroch.html
