n. 打芽;疏芽;打尖;[兽医] 断角术
v. 摘去嫩芽;去蕾(disbud的ing形式)
Some orchardists have tried to control crown-shape by pruning, disbudding and branch-bending to circumvent the problem.
单词 "disbudding" 的意思是去芽,通常是指将果树、葡萄树等植物的侧芽去除,以保证主干的生长和果实的生产。以下是该单词的详细解释:
- Farmers in the area have been disbudding their grapevines to ensure better fruit quality. (该地区的农民一直在去除葡萄藤的侧芽,以保证更好的果实质量。)
- The orchard manager instructed his team to start disbudding the apple trees in preparation for the upcoming harvest. (果园经理指示他的团队开始去除苹果树的侧芽,为即将到来的收获做准备。)
- Disbudding is typically done in the early stages of a plant's growth, before the buds become too large and difficult to remove.(去芽通常在植物生长的早期阶段进行,在芽变得过大和难以去除之前。)
- Disbudding can be done manually or with the use of special machines designed for the task.(去芽可以手动进行,也可以使用专门设计的机器进行。)
- Disbudding is an important part of plant management, as it helps to ensure healthy growth and maximum fruit production.(去芽是植物管理的重要组成部分,它有助于确保健康的生长和最大限度的果实产量。)
- Disbudding refers to the process of removing the buds that grow along the sides of a plant's main stem or branches.(去芽是指去除沿着植物主干或树枝生长的芽的过程。)
- Disbudding is typically done to ensure that the plant focuses its energy on producing larger, better-quality fruit, rather than wasting resources on smaller, less desirable growth.(去芽通常是为了确保植物将其能量集中在产生更大、更高质量的果实上,而不是浪费资源在较小、不太理想的生长上。)
- Disbudding can help to prevent the spread of disease and pests, as it removes potential areas of infection or infestation.(去芽可以帮助预防病害和虫害的传播,因为它去除了潜在的感染或侵扰区域。)
- Pruning (修剪)
- Thinning (瘦果)
- Trimming (修剪)
- Budding (萌芽)
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