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Eastern Orthodox Church是什么意思,Eastern Orthodox Church的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 东正教(等于Orthodox Eastern Church)

  • 例句

  • State church of greece; an autonomous part of the eastern orthodox church.


  • In the Eastern Orthodox Church, it is often called the Entry into Jerusalem, and is the beginning of Holy Week.


  • The largest city and former capital of turkey; built on the site of ancient byzantium ; seat of the eastern orthodox church.


  • She is also one of the most highly venerated saints in both the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Church; several major feast days are devoted to her each year.

    她是罗马天主教和东正教都高度崇敬的圣人 之一,每年有几个 主要的 宗教节日都是致力于她。

  • Although this idea has been alienated into mundane monastic idea in the Western Christian World for a long time, but it continues to exist until present time in the World of Eastern Orthodox Church.


  • Most Bulgarians (82.6%) are at least nominally a member of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, the national Eastern Orthodox church.


  • In the process of the cultural development in Russian, relations between Russian mentality and the Eastern Orthodox Church have become the center of attraction.


  • Khomyakov always compared ideal Eastern Orthodox Church with Catholicism and Protestantism in reality.


  • Of or relating to the eastern orthodox church.


  • Then I became a priest in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Eventually, in 1989, we came to America, and I am now working as an associate pastor at the First United Methodist Church in Nederland, Texas.


  • After 1054, the Church was divided into the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.


  • Of the remaining people, about 180,000 are members of the Eastern Orthodox Church and about 7,300 are Jewish.


  • Of or relating to any of the churches or rites of the Eastern Orthodox Church.


  • Re - regulate religious policy and realize the national unity using the spirit cohesion of the Orthodox Eastern Church.


  • Foreign religious that are in practice in modern China mainly include Catholicism, Christianity, the Orthodox Eastern Church, and Japanese Buddhism.


  • The Orthodox Eastern Church played a special and important role in early Sino-Russian cultural exchange activities.


  • This present study deals with origin and development of marian devotion its cultural and psychological connotation and its influence to catholicism and orthodox eastern church.


  • Orthodox eastern church got into Harbin along with the building of Mid-east railway.


  • The paper discusses the influence of the Orthodox Eastern Church on the Russian life has a close relation with the culture of the Orthodox Eastern Church.

    论述了东正教文化对俄罗斯人民生活的影响 ,指出俄罗斯语言与东正教文化有着紧密的联系。

  • The orthodox eastern church is a branch of christianity.


  • Christianity was initially divided into two parts:the one in Rome called the Roman Catholic Church and the one in Constantinople call the Orthodox Eastern Church.


  • Chapter Three is about the conflicts between some Mongolian tribes and the Orthodox Eastern Church after the 17th century and the reasons that some tribes believe in Tibetan Buddhism.

    第三章主要探讨了十七世纪以后卡尔梅克、布里亚特、 图瓦等蒙古人与东正教的矛盾冲突以及蒙古各部坚持信奉藏传佛教的原因。

  • When the Empire split between east and west, the church in the east(Eastern Orthodox)recognized January 6th as the celebration date.


  • The dominant religion is Eastern Orthodox Christianity, which is currently split between three Church bodies.


  • 网络扩展资料


    • 例句:

      • 英文:The Eastern Orthodox Church is one of the oldest religious institutions in the world.
        • 中文解释:东正教会是世界上最古老的宗教机构之一。
      • 英文:The Eastern Orthodox Church split from the Roman Catholic Church in the year 1054.
        • 中文解释:东正教会在1054年与罗马天主教会分裂。
    • 用法:

      • “东正教会”这一词汇通常用于描述东正教会这个特定的宗教机构,不适用于其他的基督教教派。
      • 在正式场合,人们通常称呼东正教会为“正教会”。
    • 解释:

      • 东正教会是基于早期基督教的传统和教义建立的,它的历史可以追溯到公元33年,即耶稣基督的死亡和复活事件。
      • 东正教会的信仰和教义强调神圣三位一体、圣经、圣传、圣礼和圣人。
      • 东正教会的组织结构是基于主教制度,主教是教会的最高领袖,负责教义和教规的制定和传承。
    • 近义词:

      • 东方正教会、正教会
    • 反义词:

      • 罗马天主教会、基督教新教派

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/eastern%2Borthodox%2Bchurch.html
