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ebb tide是什么意思,ebb tide的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 退潮,落潮

  • 例句

  • We saw the spring ebb tide.


  • When time passes by like ebb tide, the golden will be disclosed as rocks rise in seaside.


  • We dropped her astern on the end of a seven-inch manilla, and she laid comfortably on the ebb tide.


  • We dropped her astern on the end of a seven-inch manilla , and she laid comfortably on the ebb tide.


  • The modern significance of tragedy culture lies in its taking on the religious salvation function after the religion ebb tide.


  • 同义词

  • |wane;退潮,[海洋]落潮

  • 网络扩展资料

    单词:Ebb and Tide

    Ebb and tide are two words that refer to the movement of the ocean's water. They are often used together to describe the way that the water moves in and out along the shoreline.

    Meaning and Usage

    Ebb refers to the movement of the tide as it flows out to sea. When the tide is ebbing, the water level is decreasing, and the shoreline is exposed. The term is often used to describe a decline or decrease in something, such as a person's health or a business's profits. For example:

    • The company's profits were ebbing as competition increased.
    • The patient's strength began to ebb as the disease progressed.

    Tide, on the other hand, refers to the movement of the water as it flows in towards the shore. When the tide is coming in, the water level is rising, and the shoreline is covered. The term is often used to describe a rise or increase in something, such as a person's popularity or a stock's value. For example:

    • The politician's popularity was on the rise, like the tide coming in.
    • The stock market saw a tide of buying as investors gained confidence.

    Synonyms and Antonyms

    There are a few synonyms for ebb and tide, including:

    • Ebb: recede, wane, diminish, decrease
    • Tide: surge, flow, rise, increase

    There are no true antonyms for ebb and tide, but some opposite concepts include:

    • Ebb: flow, flood, rise
    • Tide: ebb, low tide, slack water

    Example Sentences

    Here are a few example sentences that use ebb and tide:

    • The fishermen knew that the ebb and flow of the tide would affect their catch.(渔民知道潮汐的涨落会影响他们的收获。)
    • After a long day at work, she felt her energy ebbing away. (工作了一整天后,她感到自己的精力消耗殆尽。)
    • The tide was getting higher and higher, and soon the beach would be covered. (潮水越来越高,很快海滩就会被淹没。)
    • The company's fortunes had turned with the tide of the market. (公司的命运随市场的涨落而变化。)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/ebb+tide.html
