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experiential learning是什么意思,experiential learning的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 从实践经验中学习

  • 例句

  • Experiential learning goes beyond the old pattern of teaching task, and takes the full activities of students as the core.


  • Experiential learning is to learn the necessary knowledge in the daily life, and apply the knowledge learned to the daily life.


  • Provided in an interactive \u0026informal way within an experiential learning environment, the training will give participants the chance to discuss and learn from each others' experiences.


  • Experiential learning has become the enterprise scramble to adopt and train employees a popular way of training.

    体验式学习已经成为广大企业争相采纳、 培训员工的一种流行培训方式。

  • Balachandra, Lakshmi. Introduction to Experiential Learning: An Analysis and Review. MBA Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.


  • Experiential Learning aims to promote active learning in the classroom by engaging the students through interactive platforms.


  • Assignments of each Year from Freshman Year to Senior Year will include two parts: Theory assignments and Experiential Learning Practicum assignments.


  • In addition to the global course requirement, theKelloggSchoolhas several existing initiatives that encourage global business perspectives and experiential learning.


  • School is about academic learning and life is about experiential learning.


  • The experiential learning model regards learning as a cyclic process that integrates concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation.


  • To build upon it initial success the MOT aimed to reposition the Museum from an experiential learning center into a cultural center for the Westside of Los Angeles.


  • Part II: The significance of experiential learning on education.


  • It's about a distinguished faculty, a flexible curriculum, and a whole world of exciting research, internship and other experiential learning opportunities.


  • This has resulted in the institutions concerned offering programmes with little or no practical content or experiential learning.


  • The Teaching Models of SOB are be bound up with Experience Education , therefore, introduced the researches about models of experiential learning which are from Lewin, Dewey, Piaget and Cooper;


  • Students will be enriched inside and outside of the classroom with experiential learning and visitations to various hotels.


  • An empirical study of distributed case learning is used to explore the case analysis process of learners after their experiential learning.


  • Experiential learning plays a large role in students' education at Columbia.


  • Participants will have an opportunity to experience poverty first-hand during a 1-day Experiential Learning Program where they will go to the ground and understand the true meanings of being Poor.


  • Antioch University is founded on principles of rigorous liberal arts education, innovative experiential learning and socially engaged citizenship.


  • The research of learning style, which based on Kolb's experiential learning theory, has proved its positive influences on promoting learning efficiency.


  • 网络扩展资料

    Experiential learning(经验学习)refers to the process of learning through direct experience and reflection. It is a hands-on approach to learning that actively engages the learner in the learning process.


    Experiential learning is commonly used in educational settings, such as classrooms, training programs, and workshops. It is also used in various professional fields, such as medicine, law, and psychology, to help individuals gain practical skills and knowledge.


    • The outdoor adventure program provided the students with experiential learning opportunities, allowing them to learn through hands-on activities such as rock climbing and camping. (户外探险课程为学生提供了经验学习的机会,让他们通过实践活动如攀岩和露营来学习。)

    • The study abroad program offered students the chance to immerse themselves in a new culture and gain experiential learning in a foreign country.(留学计划为学生提供了沉浸在新文化中并在国外获得经验学习的机会。)


    • Hands-on learning
    • Experiential education
    • Learning by doing


    • Theoretical learning
    • Classroom learning
    • Textbook learning

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