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exposed surface是什么意思,exposed surface的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 露面;裸露面;暴露面

  • 例句

  • This floating ice shelf was about 260 feet (80 meters) thick from its exposed surface to its submerged base.


  • Xi 'an is located in Fenwei basin and the exposed surface of the cracks and fractures were found concealed in 15.


  • Natural weathering rates are limited by, among other factors, the exposed surface area of chemically reactive rock.


  • The exposed surface of the structure shall be even, and shall be free from honeycombs, pitting surface, exposed reinforcing bars and cavities.


  • The test provides data suitable for comparing the performance of essentially flat materials, used primarily as the exposed surface of walls or ceiling.


  • 同义词

  • |appearance/exposed face;露面;裸露面;暴露面

  • 网络扩展资料

    单词 "exposed" 的意思是暴露的,一般用于描述某物在外面或不受保护的状态。例如:

    • The wire is exposed and could be dangerous.(这根电线被暴露在外面,可能很危险。)
    • The rock was exposed after the landslide.(这块石头在山崩后被暴露出来。)

    "Exposed" 还可以用作形容词,表示某人或某物面临着某种困难或危险,例如:

    • The soldiers were exposed to enemy fire.(士兵们暴露在敌人的炮火下。)
    • The company is exposed to financial risk.(这家公司面临着财务风险。)

    "Exposed" 的近义词包括 "unprotected"(未受保护的)、"vulnerable"(易受攻击的)等。反义词包括 "covered"(被覆盖的)、"protected"(受保护的)等。

    单词 "surface" 的意思是表面,一般用于描述某物的外层或最外面的一层,例如:

    • The surface of the water was calm.(水面很平静。)
    • The table had a scratch on the surface.(桌子表面有一个划痕。)

    "Surface" 还可以用作动词,表示将某物的表面变得平滑或清洁,例如:

    • The workers surfaced the road.(工人们把路面铺平了。)
    • I need to surface the pool before we can swim in it.(我需要清理一下游泳池表面,然后我们才能在里面游泳。)

    "Surface" 的近义词包括 "exterior"(外表的)、"outermost"(最外层的)等。反义词包括 "interior"(内部的)、"underneath"(下面的)等。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/exposed+surface.html
