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following system是什么意思,following system的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 跟踪系统

  • 例句

  • The following system error has been encountered.


  • In this article, learn about the following system calls.


  • Add the following system property to the startup of one of your applications.


  • The optimizer USES the following system catalog information as it creates a query plan.


  • If you use the defaults when creating a database, the following system-managed tablespaces are created.


  • 同义词

  • |tracking system;跟踪系统

  • 网络扩展资料

    单词 "following system" 主要由两个部分组成,"following" 和 "system"。


    "following" 是动词 "follow" 的现在分词形式,意为 "跟随"、"遵循"、"听从" 等。以下是一些例句:

    • Please follow me to the meeting room.(请跟我去会议室。)
    • The company follows a strict code of conduct.(公司遵循严格的行为准则。)
    • He followed his father into the family business.(他跟随他的父亲进入了家族企业。)

    "following" 还可作为形容词,意为 "下述的"、"接下来的"、"跟随的" 等。以下是一些例句:

    • In the following chapters, we will discuss the main themes of the book.(在接下来的章节中,我们将讨论本书的主要主题。)
    • The following steps are crucial to the success of the project.(下述步骤对项目的成功至关重要。)
    • The police arrested the suspect and are now investigating his following actions.(警方逮捕了嫌疑人,并正在调查他的后续动作。)

    "following" 还可用作名词,意为 "追随者"、"拥护者"。以下是一些例句:

    • The politician had a large following among young people.(那位政治家在年轻人中拥有大量的拥护者。)
    • The band has a devoted following that attends all their concerts.(这个乐队有一批忠实的追随者,他们参加了所有的演唱会。)

    "following" 的近义词包括:next、subsequent、ensuing、succeeding 等。


    "system" 是名词,意为 "系统"、"体系"、"制度" 等。以下是一些例句:

    • The school has a new grading system that is based on student performance.(学校有一个基于学生表现的新评分系统。)
    • The company has implemented a new inventory system to manage its products more efficiently.(公司实施了一种新的库存管理系统,以更有效地管理其产品。)
    • The judicial system in this country is known for being fair and impartial.(这个国家的司法制度以公正无私而著称。)

    "system" 的近义词包括:structure、framework、methodology、process 等。

    "system" 的反义词包括:chaos、disorder、anarchy 等。

    following system

    "following system" 的意思是 "跟随系统"、"遵循体系"。它通常用于描述一个人或组织在执行某项任务或工作时所遵循的标准化流程或规定。以下是一些例句:

    • The company has a strict following system for handling customer complaints.(公司有一个严格的处理客户投诉的遵循体系。)
    • The hospital has a following system for admitting and discharging patients.(医院有一个关于病人入院和出院的遵循体系。)
    • The school has implemented a following system for tracking student attendance and performance.(学校实施了一个跟踪学生出勤和表现的遵循体系。)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/following+system.html
