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fuming sulfuric acid是什么意思,fuming sulfuric acid的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 发烟硫酸

  • 例句

  • Sodium din-butyl naphthalene sulfonate was prepared from n-butyl alcohol, naphthalene and fuming sulfuric acid.


  • A new surfactant heavy crude oil sulfonates (HCOS) was synthesized from Daqing Heidimiao oil with fuming sulfuric acid.


  • A fuming sulfuric acid tank commissioned in 1997 in Baling Petrochemical Company have experienced a number leakages at the top of the tank, welds and wall shell.


  • The PS water reducing agent, which is very effective for concrete, has been made from waste poly styrene(WPS) by sulfuric acid of fuming sulfuric acid sulfonation process.


  • This method has been used for many times and similar operation time and product are obtained as that using the treatment with a mixture of sulfuric acid, nitric acid and fuming sulfuric acid.


  • 同义词

  • |oleum/fuming sulphuric acid;发烟硫酸

  • 网络扩展资料

    "fuming sulfuric acid"是一种强酸,也称为"oleum"或"纵深硫酸",化学式为H2S2O7。它是硫酸和硫三氧化物的混合物,具有强烈的吸湿性和腐蚀性。以下为该词的详细解释:

    • 例句:

      • The laboratory assistant accidentally spilled fuming sulfuric acid on his hand. (实验室助理不小心将纵深硫酸洒在了手上。)
      • Fuming sulfuric acid is commonly used in the production of dyes and detergents. (纵深硫酸在染料和清洁剂的生产中常被使用。)
    • 用法:

      • Fuming sulfuric acid是一种强酸,具有强烈的氧化性,通常用于有机合成、催化剂和烷基化反应等。
      • 它也可用于制备纯净的硫酸和其他硫酸盐,并用于金属清洗、油漆去除和清洁剂等领域。
    • 解释:

      • Fuming sulfuric acid是硫酸和硫三氧化物的混合物,是一种强酸,具有强烈的腐蚀性和吸湿性。
      • 它的制备过程通常是将硫酸和硫三氧化物混合,反应后形成纵深硫酸。
      • 在实验室和工业生产中,纵深硫酸常用于有机合成反应、清洁剂、催化剂等。
    • 近义词:

      • Oleum、纵深硫酸
    • 反义词:

      • 碱性物质

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