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  • n. 可替代性;可互换

  • 例句

  • Fungibility implies equal value between two units of a commodity.


  • Divisibility and fungibility.


  • Thee problem was the fungibility of money.


  • One necessary aspect of bulk cargo is fungibility.


  • Whereas the fungibility of nearly all other economic goods is more or less circumscribed and is often only a fiction based on an artificial commercial terminology, that of money is almost unlimited.


  • 网络扩展资料

    Fungibility(可替代性)is a term used in economics and finance to describe the ability of a good or asset to be easily interchanged with another similar asset or good.


    Fungibility is an important concept in finance, particularly in the trading of commodities, currencies, and financial instruments such as stocks and bonds. In the context of commodities, fungibility refers to the fact that a particular commodity, such as gold or oil, is essentially interchangeable with any other unit of the same commodity. This means that if you have a kilogram of gold, it is worth the same as any other kilogram of gold, regardless of where it came from or how it was produced.


    • Gold is fungible because one ounce of gold is worth the same as any other ounce of gold.
    • In the stock market, shares of a particular company are fungible, meaning that any share of that company is worth the same as any other share.
    • Bitcoin is not fully fungible, as some bitcoins can be traced back to illegal activities and therefore may be worth less than other bitcoins.

    Synonyms and Antonyms

    • Synonyms: interchangeability, exchangeability
    • Antonyms: non-fungible

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