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fuzzy clustering是什么意思,fuzzy clustering的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 模糊聚类;模糊串行

  • 例句

  • In fact, it is a new method of fuzzy clustering.


  • The relationship between fuzzy clustering and Weighted Entropy is also discussed.


  • Steranes as the indicators of spilled oils is studied with fuzzy clustering analysis.


  • A method for division of reservoir petrophysical facies by fuzzy clustering is proposed.


  • Objective: To discuss the best fuzzy clustering number of MRI brain images segmentation.


  • 网络扩展资料

    Fuzzy clustering is a data analysis technique that is used to group similar data points together based on their similarities and differences. The technique is used in a variety of fields, including computer science, statistics, and engineering.


    The term "fuzzy" refers to a lack of clarity or precision in a situation or concept. When applied to data analysis, fuzzy logic allows for the possibility of partial membership in a group or cluster. In other words, a data point can belong to multiple clusters with varying degrees of membership.

    Example sentence:

    • The fuzzy logic used in the clustering algorithm allows for more nuanced categorization of data points.

    • 聚类算法中使用的模糊逻辑允许对数据点进行更细致的分类。


    Fuzzy logic is often used in situations where traditional binary logic is insufficient. This can include situations where there is a lack of complete information or where there is ambiguity in the data.


    Fuzzy logic is used in data analysis to allow for partial membership in a group or cluster. This allows for more nuanced categorization of data points and can be useful in situations where the data is not completely clear or where there is ambiguity.


    Fuzzy logic can be synonymous with imprecise, uncertain, or indefinite.


    Clear, precise, and definite are antonyms of fuzzy.


    Clustering is a technique used in data analysis to group similar data points together based on their similarities and differences. The goal of clustering is to identify patterns in the data and to group the data into meaningful categories.

    Example sentence:

    • The clustering algorithm was able to group the data points into distinct categories based on their similarities and differences.

    • 聚类算法能够根据数据点的相似性和差异性将其分成明确的类别。


    Clustering is used in a variety of fields, including computer science, statistics, and engineering. It is often used to identify patterns in large datasets.


    Clustering is a technique used in data analysis to group similar data points together. The technique is used to identify patterns in the data and to group the data into meaningful categories.


    Clustering can be synonymous with grouping, categorizing, or classifying.


    Dispersing, separating, or dividing are antonyms of clustering.

    Fuzzy Clustering

    Fuzzy clustering is a data analysis technique that combines fuzzy logic with clustering. This allows for partial membership in a group or cluster and more nuanced categorization of data points.

    Example sentence:

    • The fuzzy clustering algorithm was able to group the data points into categories with varying degrees of membership.

    • 模糊聚类算法能够将数据点分组到具有不同成员身份的类别中。


    Fuzzy clustering is used in situations where the data is not completely clear or where there is ambiguity. It is often used in fields such as computer science, statistics, and engineering.


    Fuzzy clustering is a data analysis technique that combines fuzzy logic with clustering. This allows for partial membership in a group or cluster and more nuanced categorization of data points. Fuzzy clustering is particularly useful in situations where the data is not completely clear or where there is ambiguity.


    Fuzzy clustering can be synonymous with soft clustering.


    Hard clustering is an antonym of fuzzy clustering.

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