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germ plasm是什么意思,germ plasm的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 种质;胚质;生殖细胞的细胞质;遗传物质

  • 例句

  • Chromosome is the carrier of germ plasm.


  • It is a good leguminous forage germ plasm that has advantage of strong resistance.


  • Mini core collection is a representational concentrate population of Chinese 23000 soybean germ plasm.


  • The theory that all heritable characteristics arise in the germ plasm and that acquired characteristics cannot be inherited.


  • As far as the essential of life gate, we will explore it from many aspects including germ plasm, biology instinct and life activity.


  • 网络扩展资料

    Germ plasm(生殖质)refers to the genetic material that is passed down from generation to generation through the reproductive cells of an organism. This includes the DNA of the gametes, as well as any other genetic material that is involved in the development of an embryo.

    The concept of germ plasm was first introduced by the German biologist August Weismann in the late 180s. Weismann proposed that the germ plasm was separate from the somatic cells of an organism, and that changes to the germ plasm were responsible for the evolution of species.

    Germ plasm plays a critical role in both sexual reproduction and the development of embryos. During sexual reproduction, the genetic material from two parents combines to form a unique set of genes in the offspring. This ensures genetic diversity within a species, which is essential for adaptation and survival.

    In addition to its role in reproduction, germ plasm is also important in the development of an embryo. The genetic material within the germ plasm determines the characteristics that will be expressed in the offspring, such as eye color, hair color, and height.

    Example Sentences

    • The germ plasm of an organism is passed down through the reproductive cells.(生殖质通过生殖细胞传递到下一代生物中。)

    • August Weismann proposed the concept of germ plasm in the late 180s.(奥古斯特·魏斯曼在19世纪末提出了生殖质的概念。)

    • Genetic diversity within a species is maintained through the combination of germ plasm from two parents.(两个父亲的生殖质的组合保持了物种内的遗传多样性。)


    Germ plasm is a technical term used in biology to describe the genetic material that is passed down through reproductive cells. It is commonly used in discussions of genetics, evolution, and embryonic development.


    • Germ line
    • Reproductive cells


    • Somatic cells
    • Body cells

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