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get the better of sb是什么意思,get the better of sb的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 胜过某人,打败

  • 同义词

  • |beat/have the better of;胜过某人,打败

  • 网络扩展资料

    单词 get the better of sb 表示在某种情况下,某人或某物战胜了另一个人或物,或者使其感到沮丧或困惑。


    • He was determined not to let his nerves get the better of him during the interview. (他下定决心不让紧张情绪在面试中占上风。)
    • I don't know how she manages to get the better of him every time. (我不知道她是如何每次都战胜他的。)


    • Despite her best efforts, her fear of heights got the better of her and she couldn't climb the ladder. (尽管她尽了最大努力,但她对高处的恐惧还是占了上风,她无法爬上梯子。)
    • He tried to remain calm in the face of the angry customer, but eventually the customer's shouting got the better of him and he lost his temper. (他试图在面对愤怒的客户时保持冷静,但最终客户的叫喊声让他不再沉得住气,他失去了耐性。)

    该单词的近义词包括:overcome, beat, defeat, outdo, surpass。

    该单词的反义词包括:lose to, be defeated by, be overcome by。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/get+the+better+of+sb.html
