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International Herald Tribune是什么意思,International Herald Tribune的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 国际前锋论坛报

  • 例句

  • Writing in The International Herald Tribune, Bernstein cited that humble act of kindness as a mark of greatness he has never forgotten.


  • Tom Rachman’s first novel is set in Rome, on a once-mighty American-owned international newspaper, surely quite unlike the (Paris-based) International Herald Tribune, where he used to work.


  • A piece in The International Herald Tribune underlined one of the effects of this process


  • She turns from the window, paws through a stack on the floor, and produces an International Herald Tribune, holding it at arm’s length like a day-old fish.


  • International Herald Tribune: You your locate the idol to send the real power faction actor?


  • International Herald Tribune subscribers will also receive free access to NYTimes.com.


  • The probe was launched after a report last week in the International Herald Tribune newspaper.


  • One Western intellectual contended, in an oped essay in the International Herald Tribune, that East Asia did not represent any positive values.


  • The ironies may sound obvious, but Rachman, a former editor for the International Herald Tribune, paints the characters’ small dramas and private disappointments with humanity and humor.


  • Here there is two families, and I am the only bad souvenir of something that doesn't work, he said in the International Herald Tribune. And if I disappear, then everything is perfect.

    “现在这有两个家庭,而我只是那段不能继续的婚姻的糟糕的纪念品,” 贝松在《国际先驱论坛导报》的访谈中说,“如果我消失了,一切都会很完美。

  • Maybe if I ran away to Europe and started life over…Maybe I could sell the International Herald Tribune, like those young girls used to.


  • This mammoth undertaking was code named Project 2, and the International Herald Tribune described the towering monolithic structures as looming like an information-age nuclear plant.

    这个庞大的企业 以代号“第二项目”命名,《国际先驱论坛报》将这个高耸的独立 仓库描述成“如同信息时代的核电站般神秘 。

  • 'It's a new model,' said Michael Golden, publisher of the International Herald Tribune.


  • In a bold move, the European Commission is seeking to impose emissions controls on all flights within and coming into Europe, reported the International Herald Tribune on Wednesday.


  • 网络扩展资料

    国际先驱论坛报(International Herald Tribune)是一家国际型英文日报,总部设在巴黎,是美国《纽约时报》公司与华尔街日报互助协会的合资企业。以下是有关该报的详细解释:


    1. My father used to read the International Herald Tribune every morning to keep up with world news.(我父亲以前每天早上都会看《国际先驱论坛报》以跟上世界新闻。)
    2. The International Herald Tribune is a reliable source for international news. (《国际先驱论坛报》是可靠的国际新闻来源。)




    国际先驱论坛报是一家英文日报,创立于1887年,并在20世纪初期开始在国际上发行。该报曾经在国际新闻业中占据重要地位,对于许多政治、经济、文化事件作出了深入的报导和分析。2013年,该报更名为《纽约时报国际版》(The New York Times International Edition),成为《纽约时报》的国际版。


    1. The New York Times (纽约时报)
    2. The Guardian (卫报)
    3. The Economist (经济学人)



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