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like a drowned rat是什么意思,like a drowned rat的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 浑身湿透(象落汤鸡)

  • 例句

  • He was wet all over like a drowned rat.


  • You look like a drowned rat.


  • Steve: Tim, you look like a drowned rat!


  • I depend too close, I like a drowned rat.


  • Stephen: Wow, you look like a drowned rat!


  • 网络扩展资料

    The phrase "like a drowned rat" is an idiomatic expression used to describe someone or something that is soaking wet and appears miserable or disheveled. It is often used in a negative context.

    Example Sentences

    • After getting caught in the rain without an umbrella, I looked like a drowned rat.
    • The stray dog was shivering and looked like a drowned rat when we found it in the river.
    • She came home from the water park looking like a drowned rat, but she had a great time.


    The phrase "like a drowned rat" is typically used to describe someone who is drenched from head to toe due to being out in the rain or other wet conditions. It can also be used to describe someone who has been submerged in water or is sweating profusely. The phrase is usually used in a negative context and can convey a sense of discomfort or misery.


    Some synonyms for "like a drowned rat" include:

    • Soaking wet
    • Drenched
    • Sopping
    • Waterlogged
    • Bedraggled


    Some antonyms for "like a drowned rat" include:

    • Dry
    • Comfortable
    • Cozy
    • Warm
    • Pleasant

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/like+a+drowned+rat.html
