National Geographic Society是什么意思,National Geographic Society的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句
In Mark Owens’s National Geographic Society presentation, he displayed a photograph of the scouts he met.
Instead of buying computers, customers would buy memberships, just as they do in the National Geographic Society.
His latest, Light at the Edge of the World, was published by the National Geographic Society.
The National Geographic Society owns National Geographic News.
Five hotspots where languages are most endangered were listed Tuesday in a briefing by the Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages and the National Geographic Society.
Funding was provided by the Smithsonian Institution, the National Science Foundation and the National Geographic Society.
In more modern times, the National Geographic Society has been a major supporter of geographic education in K-12 schools.
In 1888, Bell became one of the founding members of the National Geographic Society.
It was rediscovered by Hiram Bingum on a National Geographic Society expedition in 1911.
The National Geographic Society celebrates its 122nd anniversary on Jan. 27.
In Wu Hong's honor, the flag of the National Geographic Society at its Washington, D. C. headquarters will be flown at half-mast on the day of his funeral.
Walter Alva excavated one of the most famous Moche sites, the Royal Tombs of Sipán, in 1987 under a grant from the National Geographic Society.
Peruvian archaeologist Walter Alva excavated one of the most famous Moche sites, the Royal Tombs of Sipán, in 1987 under a grant from the National Geographic Society.
Once a year, the National Geographic Society honors a group of scientists, activists, wildlife experts and artists for their work as explorers and thinkers.
When the three preliminary months came to an end, the National Geographic Society took over sponsorship of my research and financed a further 20 months.
Following the end of the Apollo space program, the National Geographic Society published an excellent set of articles about the moon.
Dr. Anderson and K. David Harrison, a linguist at Swarthmore College, were leaders of the expedition, part of the Enduring Voices Project of the National Geographic Society.
Join biologist Zeb Hogan of the National Geographic Society's Megafishes Project as he explores the threats facing the giant sturgeon and the efforts underway to save it.
The painted wooden coffin, in the shape of an Egyptian man in a state of repose, took center stage at the National Geographic Society Wednesday, quite literally.
This is the Whale Valley. It was discovered and excavated by the archaeologists from American National Geographic Society and Michigan University.
The trip received financial support from the National Geographic Society.
On a 1910 National Geographic Society expedition, a photographer crouches by the shore of Yakutat Bay, Gulf of Alaska, to wash his film in the seawater.
This presentation copyright, National Geographic Society, 2007.
此演示的版权由国家地理协会2007 年所有。
Americans scored the worst among consumers across the 14 developed countries surveyed, according to the National Geographic Society, which runs the new Greendex rankings.
The rest, thanks in no small part to the National Geographic Society, is well-documented history.
In May 1999 an American team used GPS technology to record a height of 8,850m - a figure that is now used by the US National Geographic Society, although it has not been officially accepted by Nepal.
National Geographic Society 是一个总部位于美国华盛顿特区的非营利性学术组织。该组织成立于1888年,旨在探索、发现和推广地理、考古和自然科学的知识。下面是一些与 National Geographic Society 相关的词汇:
National Geographic:国家地理杂志,是由 National Geographic Society 出版的一本以地理、自然科学和历史为主题的杂志。
Society:社会;协会。National Geographic Society 是一个由成员组成的协会。
Exploration:探险;勘探。National Geographic Society 大力推广探险和勘探活动。
Discovery:发现;发掘。National Geographic Society 的宗旨之一是发掘未知领域的知识。
Geography:地理学。National Geographic Society 推广地理学的研究。
Archaeology:考古学。National Geographic Society 也积极推动考古学的研究。
Natural science:自然科学。National Geographic Society 推广各种自然科学的研究。
Synonym:近义词。National Geographic Society 的同义词可以是 National Geo。
Antonym:反义词。National Geographic Society 没有反义词。
National Geographic Society 致力于推广地理、考古和自然科学的研究和发展,旨在为人类提供更多的知识和了解世界的机会。
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