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newtonian flow是什么意思,newtonian flow的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 牛顿流动

  • 例句

  • The first problem is therefore to calculate the trajectory of a body thrown at an Angle in the Earth's gravitational field and Newtonian flow resistance.


  • The method is presented to simulate pressure losses and flow velocities in skewed narrow annular geometries for laminar, transition and turbulent non-Newtonian flow.


  • When the Reynolds number for Bingham fluid is larger than a certain value, the flow will transfer from the laminar state to the turbulent state as Newtonian flow does.


  • Non-Newtonian fluid viscosity in the formation of a shear rate of change with variable, stress response reflected in the instability shown by different characteristics of Newtonian flow.


  • An inverse problem of a free boundary problem which arised from the flow of non-Newtonian fluids is studied.


  • 网络扩展资料

    "Newtonian flow" refers to the flow of a liquid in which the viscosity of the fluid remains constant, regardless of the shear rate or shear stress applied to it. The term "Newtonian" comes from the fact that this type of fluid behavior was first described by Sir Isaac Newton in his book "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy."

    Here are some examples of how to use "Newtonian flow" in sentences:

    • The oil used in the engine is a Newtonian fluid, so it flows easily through the pipes.(这个引擎使用的油是一种牛顿流体,因此可以很容易地流过管道。)

    • When testing the viscosity of a fluid, it is important to determine whether it is Newtonian or non-Newtonian.(在测试流体粘度时,确定它是牛顿流体还是非牛顿流体非常重要。)

    • Newtonian flow is common in simple fluids like water and oil, but some fluids like blood or ketchup exhibit non-Newtonian behavior.(牛顿流体在水和油等简单流体中很常见,但是一些流体(如血液或番茄酱)表现出非牛顿性质。)

    Here are some synonyms for "Newtonian flow":

    • laminar flow (层流)
    • simple shear flow (简单剪切流)

    Here are some antonyms for "Newtonian flow":

    • non-Newtonian flow (非牛顿流)
    • turbulent flow (湍流)
    • viscoelastic flow (粘弹性流)

    Flow (流动)

    "Flow" refers to the movement of a liquid or gas. It can also refer to the rate at which a liquid or gas moves.

    Here are some examples of how to use "flow" in sentences:

    • The flow of water from the tap was weak due to low water pressure.(由于水压低,水龙头的水流很弱。)

    • The flow of traffic was disrupted by the accident on the highway.(公路上的事故打乱了交通流。)

    • The flow rate of the gas through the pipe was measured using a flow meter.(使用流量计测量了气体通过管道的流量。)

    Here are some synonyms for "flow":

    • movement (移动)
    • current (流)
    • stream (溪流)

    Here are some antonyms for "flow":

    • blockage (堵塞)
    • stagnation (停滞)
    • stillness (静止)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/newtonian+flow.html
