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off the hook是什么意思,off the hook的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 摆脱困境;脱身

  • 例句

  • Officials accused of bribery and corruption get off the hook with monotonous regularity.


  • I'd taken my phone off the hook in order to get some sleep.


  • The phone has been ringing off the hook with offers of help.


  • He left the phone off the hook as he didn't want to be disturbed.


  • Since war broke out, the phones at donation centres have been ringing off the hook.


  • 网络扩展资料

    单词 "off the hook" 是由 "off" 和 "the hook" 两个词组成的短语。这个短语可以有多种不同的含义和用法,以下是详细解释:

    1. 解释和用法

    • 解释: "off the hook" 最常见的含义是 "摆脱困境"、"不再有责任" 或 "不再受到责备"。这个短语通常用于形容一个人或者一件事情从烦恼、责任或惩罚中解脱出来的情况。

      • 例如:
        • My boss let me off the hook for being late to the meeting. (我的老板放过了我因为我迟到了会议。)
        • I'm glad to be off the hook for organizing the party. (我很高兴不再需要负责组织这个派对了。)
        • The defendant was finally off the hook after the real culprit was caught. (在真凶被抓住后,被告人终于摆脱了罪名。)
    • 用法: "off the hook" 这个短语通常用于口语和非正式场合,而在正式的写作中,我们可以使用其他更正式的词汇来表达这个意思,例如 "exonerated"、"acquitted" 或 "pardoned"。

    2. 近义词

    • release: "release" 指的是从拘留、监禁或责任中解脱出来的情况,与 "off the hook" 的含义相似。
    • let off: "let off" 也可以表示 "放过" 或 "不再惩罚",与 "off the hook" 的含义相同。

    3. 反义词

    • on the hook: "on the hook" 与 "off the hook" 相对,指的是 "承担责任"、"处于困境" 或 "面临指责" 的情况。
    • accountable: "accountable" 意为 "负责任的"、"应该受到指责的",与 "off the hook" 的含义相对。

    以上是单词 "off the hook" 的详细解释,希望对您有所帮助!

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/off+the+hook.html
