on the assumption that是什么意思,on the assumption that的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句
The idea that women have not succeeded in society is only valid when based on the assumption that success by male standards is, or should be, the benchmark for everyone's success.
On the assumption that there was a small solid sphere in the focusing area, the scattering field of concave sphere ultrasonic transducer was analyzed.
Living in an abundant environment but operating on the assumption that good things are scarce leads to a host of dysfunctions that can be summed up in one word: excess.
He thinks it would be prudent to manage water on the assumption that low flows are here to stay.
Most reliability models are developed on the assumption that the systems consist of the same parts and all the parts bear the same load.
There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. The one most widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama evolved from ritual.
On the assumption that you do not have a vast array of sandwich fillings in your cupboard at home, it should not take too long to decide what to make.
Signal parameters can be represented by phase time, amplitude and common waveform on the assumption that a seismic signal has same waveforms on all traces.
The charge to an expense account is based on the assumption that the benefits from the expenditure will be used up in the current period.
This design decision is based on the assumption that a typical portal page contains many URLs and requires the navigational state to be serialized multiple times per request.
It should be specially explained that all these analysis is predicated on the assumption that all of the state's macroeconomic policies on the rural collective enterprises is the same.
The argument rests on the assumption that success will bring people not only money and status but happiness and satisfaction as well, a presupposition that itself needs to be tested against evidence.
Overall, the figures used are conservative and have been applied on the assumption that there will be no major increase in requirements during the biennium .
Traditional methods of signal detection and estimation were based on the assumption that the background noise is white.
Hume wants to say everything we do in life is based on the assumption that we can learn from experience and that future will conform to the past.
He had lived and acted on the assumption that he was alone, and now he saw that he had not been.
Modern cosmology is built on the assumption that the universe is essentially the same in whichever direction we look.
In the past dozen years, most astronomers have come around to operating on the assumption that there was indeed a big bang.
|in case of;假设
“on the assumption that” 是一个常见的英语短语,表示在某种前提或假设的基础上进行论述、行动或思考等。该短语通常用于说明一个假设成立的情况下,所做的事情或所表达的观点。
- On the assumption that he will come, we have reserved a seat for him.(假设他会来,我们已为他保留了一个座位。)
- I made the decision on the assumption that he would be able to finish the project on time.(我根据他能够按时完成项目的假设做出了决定。)
“on the assumption that”的主要作用是引出一个假设或前提,然后在该假设的基础上进行推理、讨论或行动。例如,在第一个例句中,“on the assumption that”引出了“他会来”的假设,然后接下来的句子说明了在这种情况下所作的事情。在第二个例句中,“on the assumption that”引出了“他能够按时完成项目”的假设,然后接下来的句子说明了在这个假设的基础上做出的决定。
“assuming that”、“provided that”、“supposing that”
“regardless of”、“irrespective of”、“without regard to”
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