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operational mine是什么意思,operational mine的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 工作矿井

  • 例句

  • To improve operational performance, Qiu set mine to firmly establish a leading cost management awareness, four serious, the cost of overall strengthening of budget management.


  • The application results show that this system in line with actual production operational requirements of mine hoist, and also have a good practical value.


  • It has merit of operational reliability and convenient use, can better realize the visual and intelligent integrated management of mine safety information, and insures mines operate on the safe side.


  • Finally, the optimal mine laying operational plan is chosen after the plan candidates being ranked by comparing the degrees of identities.


  • The AQS-24A and its predecessors, the AQS-24 and the AQS-14, have been the only operational airborne mine hunting search systems used by the U. s. Navy for the past 27 years.

    过去的27年里,美国海军一直选择AQS - 24 A系统及它的前一代系统AQS - 24和AQS - 14作为唯一的作战使用的机载猎雷搜索系统。

  • The paper summarises the operational performance of the interlock System in pit-head equipment at No. 8 shaft of Ping-Ding-Shan Mine Bureau, Henan Province.


  • 网络扩展资料


    解释: 用于描述事物运作状态的形容词,表示正在进行或可执行的操作或工作。


    1. The company's new operational plan will be implemented next month. (公司的新运营计划将于下个月实施。)
    2. The airport is now fully operational after the renovation. (机场翻新后现在已经运转良好。)

    用法: operational 可以用来描述各种不同类型的事物,例如公司、组织、计划、系统等等。

    近义词: functioning, working, active, in operation

    反义词: non-operational, inactive, out of order


    解释: 名词,指地下矿藏或者用于埋设地雷的地点。动词,指开采矿物或埋设地雷。


    1. The coal mine is one of the main sources of income for the local community. (这个煤矿是当地社区的主要收入来源之一。)
    2. The army has been mining the border area to prevent enemy infiltration. (军队一直在边境地区布置地雷以防敌人渗透。)

    用法: mine 作为名词通常用于描述地下矿藏,但也可以用于形容任何被挖掘或开采的地方。作为动词,mine 可以用于描述开采矿物或者埋设地雷等行为。

    近义词: pit, quarry, excavation, dig

    反义词: fill, cover, turn over, plant

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/operational+mine.html
