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other side是什么意思,other side的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 另一面,对方

  • 例句

  • He lives the other side of town.


  • I work on the other side of town.


  • She turned over on her stomach on the other side of the bed.


  • He saw the ship that was to transport them to the other side of the world.


  • What do you think were some of the more persuasive arguments on the other side?


  • 同义词

  • |flipside/The Other Side;另一面,对方

  • 网络扩展资料

    单词“other side”通常用来描述某个事物的另一方面、另一种观点或另一种情况。以下是一些例句和用法:

    • She always sees the [other side] of any situation. (她总是能看到事情的另一面。)
    • The [other side] of the coin is that you'll have to work harder. (硬币的另一面是你必须更加努力。)
    • Let's hear the [other side] of the argument before we make a decision. (在做出决定之前,让我们听听争论的另一方的观点。)

    “other side”还可以用作一个短语,表示“另一方”或“另外一方面”。以下是一些例句和用法:

    • We need to consider the [other side] of the argument before we make a decision. (在做出决定之前,我们需要考虑争论的另一方。)
    • The [other side] of the city is where all the best restaurants are. (城市的另一边是所有最好的餐厅所在之处。)

    “other side”还可以表示“对立面”或“相反的观点”。以下是一些例句和用法:

    • The [other side] of the debate argued that the new policy would be too expensive. (辩论的对立面认为新政策将太过昂贵。)
    • I understand your point of view, but have you considered the [other side]? (我理解你的观点,但你有没有考虑过相反的观点?)

    近义词包括“opposite side”、“contrary view”和“different perspective”等。反义词包括“same side”、“similar view”和“common perspective”等。

    总之,“other side”是一个常用的短语,可以用来描述事物的另一方面、另一种观点或另一种情况。在日常生活和商务交流中经常会用到这个词汇,因此熟练掌握其用法和近义词、反义词等相关词汇非常重要。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/other+side.html
