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periodic table of elements是什么意思,periodic table of elements的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • [化学] 元素周期表

  • 例句

  • She gave him a miniature copy of the periodic table of elements.


  • Describes the concept and importance of matter, elements, atoms, molecules, and compounds, and introduces the Periodic Table of Elements.


  • It is on the periodic table of elements under the symbol Bi at atomic number 83.


  • Like the Periodic Table of the Elements, this system holds ample opportunity for mixing proportions, creating alloys, and adding impurities.


  • In 1869, Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, a Russianchemist, published his periodic table of the elements.


  • Dopbugs for silicon wafers you find in Groups III and V of the Periodic Table of the Elements.


  • Dopants for silicon wafers are found in Groups III and V of the Periodic Table of the Elements.


  • Carbon occupies the sixth place in the periodic table of chemical elements.


  • One way is by using the periodic table of the elements. The periodic table neatly tabulates information about atoms.


  • Arsenic sits right beneath phosphorus in the periodic table of the elements and shares many of its chemical properties.


  • You are allowed to use on the test the official version of the Periodic Table of the Elements which most of you should have by now.


  • The discovery of Kepler three laws and the periodic table of chemical elements as well as the establishment of the quantum theory of hydrogen atom are typical examples.


  • The paper on the description of the periodic table of the elements that the science of later generations and evolution of the periodic table of the elements is concise development.


  • Wolfram Periodic Table: Hailed by Stephen Fry as reason enough to splash out on an iPad, this wonderful app brings the Periodic Table of the Elements to glorious life.


  • On the right of the periodic table are typical of nonmetal elements, such as fluorine, oxygen, sulfur, etc;


  • Because EDTA can bind with most metallic elements of the periodic table, this technique becomes a versatile tool in the production and study of new nano materials of multi component complex oxides.


  • So, the vast majority of elements in the periodic table are metals.


  • The world, which is a complex system, is composed of 100 kinds of elements in element periodic table.


  • EDTA can bind with most metallic elements of the periodic table, making this technique a versatile tool in the production and study of new nano materials of complex oxides.


  • They're black with colored elements of the periodic table.


  • The new element, which has yet to be named, slips into a place on the periodic table between elements 116 and 118, both of which have already been discovered.


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    • 例句:

      • 英文例句:The periodic table of elements is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements, organized on the basis of their atomic number and chemical properties.
      • 中文例句:元素周期表是化学元素的表格排列,按照其原子序数和化学性质进行分类。
    • 用法:

      • 周期表是用于研究化学元素的一种工具,可以帮助科学家预测元素的化学性质和反应,因此在化学实验室和教学中经常被使用。
    • 解释:

      • 周期表是由俄罗斯化学家门捷列夫于1869年发明的,它是一张表格,将元素按照它们的原子核电荷数和电子排布方式进行分类,分为水平行(称为周期)和垂直列(称为族)。
      • 周期表中包括118种已知的元素,它们按照原子序数从1到118进行排列。每个元素都有一个特定的原子序数,代表了它的原子核内的质子数。
      • 周期表中的元素还可以按照它们的化学性质进行分类,例如金属、非金属、半金属等。
    • 近义词:

      • 元素周期律
    • 反义词:

      • 非周期表元素

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