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physically challenged是什么意思,physically challenged的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 残疾的;有生理缺陷的

  • 例句

  • The Minister, who distributed aid to physically challenged people, commended the efforts of the Centre, and the German agencies that fund it, for imparting life skills to the disabled.


  • The swimmers also included 246 people from Australia, Great Britain, China, Hong Kong, Holland, Japan, Singapore and the United States, and 297 physically challenged participants, the organizers said.


  • In December, he will start the selection in China where he would like to focus more on physically challenged kids, like blind kids.

    今年12月,他将在中国国内进行选拔。 郎朗表示,在国内的选拔可能会更加侧重身体条件特殊的孩子,比如盲童。

  • The same laws are designed to apply to all levels of football, although certain modifications for groups such as juniors, seniors, women and the physically challenged are permitted.


  • This not only provide them a means to relax but also an opportunity to interact and practice sports although they are physically challenged.


  • If one day I retire, I will still keep promoting the sports for the physically challenged.


  • In addition, the scene of training always attracts many passersby, which, more or less, improves the social knowledge of the physically challenged.


  • Equine therapy, also known as horse therapy, is only a few years old in India, but it is believed to help physically challenged children, to improve their quality of life.


  • She says the therapy helps to strengthen muscle, boosting the confidence of physically challenged children.


  • Wheelchair tennis is also available to normal people in singles and mixed doubles (one normal and one physically challenged).


  • Disabled visitors to the Paralympics say they are pleasantly surprised by China's sprawling capital, long a tough town for the physically challenged to negotiate.


  • Of course, one of the most powerful capabilities is to assist the physically challenged.


  • In addition to this, the sporting activities and entertainment sessions will surely bring smile on each physically challenged individual.


  • Next on the agenda: raising money to build a 6, 000-square-foot beachside pavilion to house the Angels program as well as allow physically challenged local residents easier access to the beach.


  • The goal of the event will be to increase more global awareness and educate and train people on the modern amenities that will tackle all the hazards of being physically challenged.


  • Abilities Expo Houston will have educators trainers and therapists at the event for the benefit of the friends and families of the physically challenged people.


  • During my first meeting with my physically challenged students, I assured them that most people are handicapped in some way.


  • There will be availability of all the products and services needed for the physically challenged people.


  • The main objective of the event is to bring together all the physically challenged people in terms of hearing.


  • Up to now, his small website has been made into a large company which has thousand of employee and all of them are physically challenged.


  • By going abroad for competitions, Jiayi has broadened her horizon, improved her world outlook and witnessed the life of physically challenged people of other countries.


  • I think what matters are that a physically challenged person must know the need of sports and that he should give himself more opportunities and love himself.


  • I watched a interview program about a physically challenged person.


  • 同义词

  • |differently abled;残疾的;有生理缺陷的

  • 网络扩展资料

    “physically challenged” 是一个用来描述那些由于身体上的缺陷或残疾而在日常生活中遇到困难的人的词汇。这个词汇通常用来取代以前的“残疾人”这一词汇,因为“physically challenged”更注重一个人的能力,而不是其残缺不全的身体。



    • My cousin is physically challenged and uses a wheelchair to get around.(我的表兄有身体上的缺陷,需要使用轮椅走动。)

    • The hotel has rooms designed for physically challenged guests.(这家旅馆有为身体上有缺陷的客人设计的房间。)

    • Many physically challenged athletes compete in the Paralympic Games.(许多身体上有残疾的运动员参加残奥会。)

    以下是一些与“physically challenged”相关的词汇:

    • Disability (残疾) - 一个更广泛的词汇,用来描述任何身体上或精神上的缺陷或限制。
    • Handicap (障碍) - 用来描述一些事物对身体上或精神上有缺陷的人造成的困难。
    • Able-bodied (健全的) - 用来形容没有身体上或精神上缺陷的人。
    • Accessible (无障碍的) - 用来形容一些设施或建筑物是否适合身体上或精神上有缺陷的人使用。

    在某些情况下,“physically challenged”也可以与“mentally challenged”这一词汇一起使用,用来描述身体上和精神上都有缺陷的人。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/physically+challenged.html
