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positional warfare是什么意思,positional warfare的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 阵地战

  • 例句

  • But even this is Inter Milan striker still do not have enemies to fight with the strength of positional warfare.


  • Must profit from the positional warfare positively the beneficial experience, has the step, to have plan advancement with steady steps.


  • 网络扩展资料

    positional warfare是指在战场上双方军队占据固定位置,采取防御姿态进行战斗的一种战争形式。以下是一些与positional warfare相关的例句和解释:

    • The trench warfare on the Western Front during World War I was a classic example of positional warfare. (第一次世界大战期间在西线的战壕战争是positional warfare的经典范例。)
    • In positional warfare, the defender has the advantage of being able to prepare fortifications and concentrate firepower on a given area. (在positional warfare中,防守方有优势,可以准备防御工事,并集中火力攻击某个特定区域。)
    • The use of chemical weapons during World War I was partly a response to the stalemate of positional warfare. (第一次世界大战期间使用化学武器的部分原因是因为positional warfare的僵局。)

    近义词:static warfare, trench warfare

    反义词:mobile warfare, fluid warfare

    总之,positional warfare是一种在战场上双方军队占据固定位置进行防御的战争形式,常见于阵地战。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/positional+warfare.html
