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publicity campaign是什么意思,publicity campaign的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 宣传运动

  • 例句

  • Now, we'd like to have your detailed plan for the publicity campaign.


  • A publicity campaign has been launched to call attention to the problem.


  • But another publicity campaign enjoyed great success: the National Dunking Association.


  • Warner Bros. began its publicity campaign a year earlier at Comic-Con in San Diego.


  • Start a publicity campaign, do something that individuals in your niche will take note of.


  • 网络扩展资料

    publicity (名词) 意为公开宣传或推广,使广大群众知道某个事物或某个人的名声。以下是一些例句:

    • The company's new product received a lot of publicity in the media. (这家公司的新产品在媒体上获得了很多宣传。)
    • The politician's scandal was met with widespread publicity. (这位政治家的丑闻引起了广泛的宣传。)
    • The organization wants to increase publicity for their cause. (这个组织想要增加他们事业的宣传力度。)

    campaign (名词) 意为宣传或推广的一系列有计划的活动。以下是一些例句:

    • The charity organization launched a new campaign to raise money for the homeless. (慈善组织发起了一项新的活动,为无家可归的人筹集资金。)
    • The political campaign was marked by heated debates and rallies. (这场政治竞选以激烈的辩论和集会为特点。)
    • The advertising campaign for the new product was a huge success. (新产品的广告宣传活动非常成功。)

    publicitycampaign 有时可以结合使用来表示一系列有计划的公开推广活动。以下是一些例句:

    • The company launched a new publicity campaign to increase awareness of their brand. (该公司推出了一项新的宣传活动,旨在提高他们品牌的知名度。)
    • The government's campaign for public health included a lot of publicity about healthy eating habits. (政府的公共卫生宣传活动包括了很多有关健康饮食习惯的宣传。)

    publicity 的近义词包括 promotionadvertisingexposure 等。campaign 的近义词包括 drivecrusademovement 等。publicity 的反义词包括 secrecyconfidentialitydiscretion 等。campaign 没有明显的反义词。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/publicity+campaign.html
