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pulsed laser是什么意思,pulsed laser的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • [激光] 脉冲激光器

  • 例句

  • The new laser is the exact opposite of the traditional light pulsed laser.


  • This paper introduces a new high power Q - CW pulsed laser diode driver.


  • This paper reports an investigation on PZT films by pulsed laser deposition.


  • A theory for pulsed laser photoacoustic spectroscopy in solution is - presented.


  • In this article, the gas dynamic models of the pulsed laser ablation plume have been reviewed.


  • 网络扩展资料

    Pulsed laser is a type of laser that emits short bursts of high-energy light. It is widely used in various fields, including medicine, industry, and research.


    Pulsed lasers are used in a variety of applications such as:

    • Medical treatments: Pulsed lasers are used for various medical treatments, including dermatology, dentistry, and ophthalmology. For instance, pulsed lasers can be used to remove unwanted tattoos or birthmarks.

    • Industrial manufacturing: Pulsed lasers are used to cut, drill, and weld different materials in manufacturing. For example, pulsed lasers can be used to cut metal sheets or drill holes in semiconductors.

    • Research: Pulsed lasers are used in research fields such as physics, chemistry, and biology. For example, pulsed lasers can be used to study the dynamics of atoms and molecules.


    • English: The pulsed laser cut through the metal sheet with ease.

      • 中文: 脉冲激光轻松地切割了金属板。
    • English: The dermatologist used a pulsed laser to remove the patient's birthmark.

      • 中文: 皮肤科医生使用脉冲激光去除了患者的胎记。

    Synonyms and Antonyms

    • Synonyms: Q-switched laser, nanosecond laser
    • Antonyms: Continuous wave laser

    In conclusion, pulsed lasers are an important technology that plays a vital role in various fields. They are highly versatile and can be used for a wide range of applications.

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