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refuse collection是什么意思,refuse collection的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 垃圾收集

  • 例句

  • Refuse collection and scavenging services are being expanded.


  • Public services such as transport and refuse collection have been contracted out to private companies or deregulated by local councils.


  • Below I do talk about the case of a site, this site can be said to be of a refuse collection point, but no matter what profit, only income is a good thing.


  • On the basis of the analysis of the characteristic of refuse collection system, it presents refuse collection vehicle routing problem according to the existing collection.


  • It looks just like any other orange bin, except it' s equipped with a solar panel on its lid and has a sound mechanism, said Bernd Mueller of the city' s refuse collection department.


  • 同义词

  • |litter collection;垃圾收集

  • 网络扩展资料

    单词1:拒绝 (refuse)

    • 用法:表示不同意、不接受或不愿意做某事。

    • 例句:

      • 英文:I refuse to go to the party tonight. (我拒绝今晚去参加派对。)
      • 中文:他拒绝了我的建议。(He refused my suggestion.)
    • 近义词:decline, reject, deny

    • 反义词:accept, agree

    单词2:收集 (collection)

    • 用法:表示将多个物品聚集在一起,或者将信息、数据等收集起来。

    • 例句:

      • 英文:I have a collection of stamps from around the world. (我有一个来自世界各地的邮票收藏。)
      • 中文:这个博物馆收集了许多珍贵的文物。(This museum has a collection of many valuable artifacts.)
    • 近义词:gather, assemble, accumulate

    • 反义词:scatter, disperse, distribute

    单词组合:拒绝收集 (refuse collection)

    • 用法:表示拒绝收集某些特定的物品或垃圾。
    • 例句:
      • 英文:I am sorry, but we do not offer refuse collection services for hazardous waste. (对不起,我们不提供危险废物的垃圾收集服务。)
      • 中文:政府规定每个家庭必须进行垃圾分类,并进行拒绝收集有害垃圾。(The government requires every household to sort their garbage and refuse collection of hazardous waste.)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/refuse+collection.html
