replacement of assets是什么意思,replacement of assets的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句
In any case, these phantom claims and can not escape from debt stripping, replacement out of assets of listed companies is undoubtedly a significant impact.
This part has combined Lanzhou Minbai and vigours 28 replacement of assets case, analysed enterprise adopt the method adapting to circumstances to control profit.
In theory, this should bring a useful short-term boost to Japanese in-deflation economy (Any GDP growth will come from any replacement of lost assets, so it should not be overemphasized.)
The third new point: The replacement cost of invisible assets evaluation has been improved.
创新点之三: 改进了对科研设计单位无形资产评估的重置成本法。
Marsh, unlike most real estate appraisal firms, has dedicated fixed asset experts who focus specifically on estimating the replacement costs of fixed assets for insurance coverage purposes.
与大多数房地产评估公司的不同之处 在于,达信评值服务部拥有专责的固定资产评 估专家,可专门针对保险范围对固定资产的重 置成本进行评估。
On his preferred measure, the q ratio (the relationship of share prices to the replacement cost of net assets), stocks are now clearly overvalued.
This article introduces the contents of the shipping assets replacement cost and the process to decide, for the reference of the valuers in practice.
One is the replacement cost of a company’s assets, the so-called “q” ratio.
The value of the fixed assets is figured out by dint of the replacement cost method.
Surplus of fixed assets should enter into account as the replacement value.
There exist property right flaw or the assets are evaluated unreasonably in the process of asset replacement.
Capitalized value may also be greater or less than the corporation's replacement value, the amount that it would take to replace all of the corporation's assets.
Based on practice experiences of the author in power network projects, the engineering cost(per unit)replacement algorithm is used for power net-work assets valuation.
单词:replacement of assets
词性: 名词短语
定义: 替换资产是指将旧的资产或设备替换为新的资产或设备,以提高效率、生产力或其他方面的表现。
发音: [rɪˈpleɪsmənt əv ˈæsɛts]
用法: 当一个组织或公司需要升级或更换旧设备或资产时使用。例如,政府机构可能需要替换老旧的桥梁或道路,以提高交通安全。公司可能需要更新老旧的机器或设备,以提高生产力和效率。
解释: 替换资产是一种公司或组织内部的战略性决策,通常是在旧设备或资产过时或无法维修时作出的。这种决策需要考虑成本、质量、效率和可持续性等因素。
近义词: 更换、交换、更新、升级
反义词: 保留、维修、继续使用
- 由于机器老化,公司计划进行一次资产替换,以提高生产效率。
- 政府正在考虑替换老旧的桥梁,以改善交通安全。
- 我们需要进行资产替换,以满足新的环保法规。
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