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Roman law是什么意思,Roman law的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 罗马法

  • 例句

  • Possession system stems from the Roman law.


  • It has been existed since the Roman Law times.


  • The modern superficies systems stem from Roman Law.


  • The law of tort originated in the ancient Roman law.


  • Europeans inherited the idea of the corporation from Roman law.


  • 网络扩展资料

    Roman Law refers to the legal system developed by the ancient Romans. It is a legal system that influenced the development of law in many countries, including the modern legal systems of many European countries.

    The term "Roman Law" is used to describe the legal system that was in place in ancient Rome from the time of the city's founding in 753 BC until the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD.


    • The legal system in many European countries is based on Roman Law. (许多欧洲国家的法律制度基于罗马法。)
    • The principles of Roman Law have had a significant impact on the development of modern law. (罗马法的原则对现代法律的发展产生了重大影响。)


    Roman Law is a legal system that was developed in ancient Rome. It is based on a set of legal principles and rules that were codified into law. The legal system was characterized by its emphasis on written law, the separation of powers, and the use of legal precedents.


    Roman Law was based on a set of legal principles and rules that were developed over centuries. The legal system was characterized by its emphasis on written law, which was used to ensure that all citizens were treated fairly and equally under the law.

    The legal system was also characterized by the separation of powers, which ensured that no single person or group had too much power. This helped to prevent abuses of power and ensure that the legal system was fair and just.

    Roman Law also relied heavily on legal precedents. This meant that previous legal decisions were used as a guide for future cases, which helped to ensure the consistency and predictability of the legal system.


    • Civil Law
    • Continental Law
    • European Law


    • Common Law

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