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serving side是什么意思,serving side的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 发球方

  • 例句

  • A player of the serving side shall serve from the right service court when the serving side has not scored or has scored an even number of points in that game.


  • The local hotdog stand is a fixture on city squares throughout the old center, serving a variety of hotdogs and pickled side dishes.


  • The flip side is that, in contrast to normal page requests, the portal does not provide any default header information for the response; all information must be explicitly set during resource serving.


  • Now after clear-the-air talks with Mancini, Wright-Phillips – the club’s longest-serving player – has promised to put his differences to one side and help City in their honours chase on three fronts.


  • The modern and modular four-part dish, with designated space for fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein, is accompanied by a serving of dairy on the side.


  • 网络扩展资料

    单词 serving side 通常作为一个短语出现,它有多种含义和用法,下面将详细解释。


    • serving :名词,指一份食品或饮料的量,也可以指一种服务或帮助。例如:

      • I'd like a serving of ice cream. (我想要一份冰激凌。)
      • The waiter provided excellent service during our meal. His serving was impeccable. (服务员在我们就餐期间提供了优秀的服务。他的服务非常完美。)
    • side:名词,指与主菜一起上桌的配菜,也可以指某个东西的一面或一侧。例如:

      • I ordered a steak with a side of vegetables. (我点了一份配蔬菜的牛排。)
      • The car was hit on the driver's side. (这辆车被撞到了驾驶员的一侧。)
    • serving side:短语,可以表示以下含义:

      1. 配菜的一侧,通常指在餐具中主菜的旁边的配菜。例如:

        • The restaurant served a grilled chicken breast with a serving side of rice and grilled vegetables. (这家餐厅提供了一份烤鸡胸肉,配菜是米饭和烤蔬菜。)
      2. 每份的配菜,即一份主菜所搭配的配菜。例如:

        • The serving side of mashed potatoes was enough to feed two people. (这份土豆泥配菜足够两个人吃。)
      3. 服务的一面,即指服务员站立的一侧。例如:

        • The waiter approached the table from the serving side, ready to take our order. (服务员从服务区域靠近桌子,准备点菜。)


    • serving side 通常用于描述食物和服务。在餐厅用餐中,顾客可以选择不同的配菜作为他们的主菜的配菜。在这种情况下,服务员可能会问客人他们想要的配菜,称之为 "serving side"。此外,"serving side" 也可以用于描述服务员站立的一侧。


    • side dish:指与主菜一起上桌的配菜,与 "serving side" 意思相同,只是单词顺序不同。


    • main dish:指在一顿饭中最主要和最丰盛的菜肴,与 "side dish" 相对应。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/serving+side.html
