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shop owner是什么意思,shop owner的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 店主

  • 例句

  • I asked the shop owner if he was surprised that his fellow Japanese would stoop so low.


  • Terrie Berenden, a pet shop owner in the southern Dutch town of Zelhem, created a beer for her weimaraners made from beef extract and malt.


  • Shop owner Majdi Abdelmonem is from Egypt.


  • The shop owner suggests a faithful dog.


  • The shop owner charged me too much money.


  • 网络扩展资料

    "店主" 是指经营商店的人,通常是商店的老板或管理者。在商业领域中,店主是商店的法定负责人,负责店铺的日常经营和管理。

    以下是一些 "店主" 的例句和用法:

    • The shop owner greeted us warmly when we entered the store. (当我们进入商店时,店主热情地欢迎我们。)
    • 我们的店主非常友好,总是乐于向客人提供帮助。 (Our shop owner is very friendly and always willing to help customers.)
    • 她是这家店的店主,负责管理店里的所有事物。 (She is the shop owner and responsible for managing everything in the store.)

    以下是 "店主" 的一些近义词:

    • 商店老板 (Shopkeeper)
    • 店长 (Store Manager)
    • 商家经营者 (Business Operator)

    以下是 "店主" 的一些反义词:

    • 顾客 (Customer)
    • 店员 (Salesperson)
    • 受雇于商店的工人 (Shop Employee)

    商店 (Shop)

    "商店" 是指售卖商品或提供服务的地方,通常是由店主或公司经营。商店可以出售各种商品,例如食品、衣服、电子产品等。

    以下是一些 "商店" 的例句和用法:

    • I need to go to the shop to buy some groceries. (我需要去商店买些食品杂货。)
    • 我们的商店提供各种高质量的服装和配件。 (Our shop offers a variety of high-quality clothing and accessories.)
    • 这家商店每天都会有大量的顾客光顾。 (This shop has a large number of customers every day.)

    以下是 "商店" 的一些近义词:

    • 店铺 (Store)
    • 零售店 (Retail Shop)
    • 商家 (Business)

    以下是 "商店" 的一些反义词:

    • 住宅 (Residence)
    • 工厂 (Factory)
    • 办公室 (Office)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/shop+owner.html
