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soft ground是什么意思,soft ground的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 软弱地基;软土地面;不稳定地层;弱土质

  • 例句

  • His foot sank slightly into the soft ground.


  • Hiss foot sank slightly into the soft ground.


  • The soft ground may have absorbed some of the impact.


  • Steel chisel grassland, pitch surface ground or other soft ground.


  • The explosive consolidation method is a new method to treat soft ground.


  • 网络扩展资料

    单词:soft ground(软地面)

    Soft ground is a term used to describe a type of ground that has a low bearing capacity and is therefore prone to deformation under loading. It is typically composed of soil with high water content, such as marshes, bogs, or wetlands.

    Soft ground is a common problem in construction, as it can lead to settlement, uneven settling of foundations, and even collapse of structures. It is important to assess the ground conditions before construction begins, to ensure that the appropriate measures are taken to mitigate the risk of soft ground.

    以下是一些与soft ground相关的例句、用法、解释、近义词和反义词:

    • 例句

      • The construction work was delayed due to the soft ground conditions.(由于软地面条件,建筑工程被延迟了。)
      • The engineer recommended using piling to support the structure on the soft ground.(工程师建议在软地面上使用桩基来支撑结构。)
    • 用法

      • Soft ground is a geotechnical term used to describe ground that is prone to deformation under loading.(软地面是一种岩土工程术语,用来形容在受载情况下容易变形的地面。)
      • Soft ground is a common problem in construction, especially in areas with high water content in the soil.(软地面是建筑工程中常见的问题,特别是在土壤含水量高的地区。)
    • 解释

      • Soft ground is ground that has low bearing capacity and is prone to deformation under loading.(软地面是承载能力低,受载情况下容易变形的地面。)
      • Soft ground is typically composed of soil with high water content, such as marshes, bogs, or wetlands.(软地面通常由含水量高的土壤组成,如沼泽、泥炭沼和湿地。)
    • 近义词

      • Weak ground
      • Unstable ground
      • Spongy ground
      • Marshy ground
    • 反义词

      • Hard ground
      • Stable ground
      • Firm ground
      • Rocky ground

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/soft+ground.html
