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standing timber是什么意思,standing timber的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 建筑用材

  • 例句

  • Mining properties, oil and GAS reserves, and tracts of standing timber are leading examples of natural resources.


  • Forested areas have been expanding every year, with the increase in standing timber greater than that of felled lumber.


  • On the other hand, the area of usable forest and the volume of standing timber in one unit area are descending sharply in our country, which aggravates the labor intensify impersonally.


  • The foundation consists of concrete piles, with steel used to support the cantilever. The house is framed with timber and topped with a standing-steam metal roof.


  • The Collie is a lithe, strong, responsive, active dog, carrying no useless timber, standing naturally straight and firm.


  • 同义词

  • |timber construction;建筑用材

  • 网络扩展资料

    单词 "Standing Timber" 指的是未经过砍伐的、仍站立在地面上的树木。下面将会对这两个单词进行详细解释和提供相关的例句、用法、近义词、反义词等。


    "Standing" 是一个英语形容词,意为在站立的状态下。以下是该单词的例句和用法:

    • Example sentence: The soldiers stood at attention during the ceremony. (士兵们在仪式期间保持立正状态。)
    • Example sentence: The building has been standing for over 100 years. (这座建筑已经立了100多年。)
    • Synonyms: upright, erect, vertical (近义词:挺直的、竖直的)


    "Timber" 是一个英语名词,指的是用于建筑、制造等的木材。以下是该单词的例句和用法:

    • Example sentence: The carpenter used some timber to build the frame of the house. (木匠用一些木材建造了房子的框架。)
    • Example sentence: The timber industry is a major contributor to the economy. (木材产业是经济的主要贡献者。)
    • Synonyms: lumber, wood, planks (近义词:木材、木板)

    Standing Timber

    "Standing Timber" 是一个专业术语,指在森林中仍然站立的树木,通常用于林业和木材加工行业。以下是该术语的例句和用法:

    • Example sentence: The logging company only cuts down mature trees and leaves the standing timber untouched. (伐木公司只砍伐成熟的树木,不碰原始森林的立着的树木。)
    • Example sentence: The value of standing timber is higher than that of felled timber because of its potential for future use. (立材的价值比已砍伐的树木高,因为它具有未来利用的潜力。)
    • Synonyms: none (近义词:无)


    • Standing: lying, sitting, kneeling (反义词:躺着的、坐着的、跪着的)
    • Timber: non-wood, metal, plastic (反义词:非木材的、金属的、塑料的)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/standing%2Btimber.html
