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take one's leave of是什么意思,take one's leave of的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



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  • 例句

  • Take a stand for one's life by leaving the marriage or job that is killing oneself and recover, and all map followers of like karmic expression will also leave their spouse or job and ascend.


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    单词"take one's leave of"的意思是告别,离开。这个短语通常用于正式场合或者礼貌场合,比如在离开职场时告别同事,或者在参加宴会时告别主人。下面是一些例句和用法解释:

    • After the meeting, he took his leave of the other participants and went back to his office. (在会议结束后,他与其他参与者告别后回到了他的办公室。)
    • It's getting late, I think it's time for us to take our leave of the party. (时间已经很晚了,我想我们该告别这个聚会了。)

    "take one's leave of"的近义词包括:say goodbye to、bid farewell to、part from等。

    "take one's leave of"的反义词包括:arrive、greet、meet等。

    总之,“take one's leave of”是一个礼貌和正式的告别方式,广泛用于各种场合。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/take%2Bone's%2Bleave%2Bof.html
