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tensile stress是什么意思,tensile stress的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • n. 张应力

  • 例句

  • The central zone of tensile stress moved to the frenal notch from the pre palate.


  • We would like to know the tensile stress in the wall.


  • Can a bending load makes both compressive and tensile stress in a member?


  • Plastic deformation concentrates at the ferrite area under the tensile stress es.


  • Seismic stress is composed of compressive stress, tensile stress and shear stress.


  • 网络扩展资料

    Tensile stress (拉伸应力) is a type of stress that occurs when a material is pulled apart or elongated. It is the opposite of compressive stress, which occurs when a material is pushed together or compressed. Tensile stress is commonly encountered in engineering and physics, as it is a key factor in understanding the behavior and strength of materials.


    Tensile stress is often used to describe the stress that occurs in a material under tension or stretching. For example, a rope that is being pulled on both ends is experiencing tensile stress. When a material is subjected to tensile stress, it tends to elongate or stretch, which can cause it to deform or even fracture if the stress is too great.


    • The tensile stress on the bridge cables was measured to ensure that they could withstand the weight of the traffic passing over them. (桥梁缆绳的拉伸应力被测量,以确保它们能够承受行驶在上面的车辆的重量。)
    • The tensile stress caused the metal bar to deform and eventually snap in half. (拉伸应力使金属条形变并最终断裂。)

    Synonyms and Antonyms

    • Synonyms: stretching stress, tension stress
    • Antonyms: compressive stress, shear stress

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