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test for是什么意思,test for的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 探测;对…进行测验

  • 例句

  • She gave a surprise test for us.


  • That's a test for the PM.


  • The real test for the competition occurred over the summer at the Michigan International Speedway.


  • The success of wind power represents a litmus test for renewable energy.


  • Doctors will tell you that pregnancy is the only sure test for fertility.


  • 同义词

  • |detect/explore;探测;对…进行测验

  • 网络扩展资料

    Test和for都是常用的英语单词,它们的组合test for也是一种常见的用法。本文将会详细解释test for的各种用法、例句、近义词和反义词等相关内容。

    一、test for的基本用法

    test for的基本用法是用来表示“测试某种情况或者属性”的意思。例如:

    • We need to test for any defects before shipping the product.(在出货之前我们需要测试是否有缺陷。)
    • The doctor will test for allergies by doing a skin test.(医生会通过做皮肤测试来测试过敏反应。)

    二、test for的常见用法

    1. test for something(测试某种东西)

    test for后面通常接一种物质、元素或者属性等,表示测试它是否存在或者符合要求。例如:

    • The lab will test for the presence of bacteria in the water sample.(实验室会测试水样品中是否存在细菌。)
    • The police are testing for drug use among the suspects.(警方正在对嫌疑人进行毒品检测。)

    2. test for someone/something(测试某人/某事)

    test for后面还可以接人或者事物,表示测试某人的能力或者测试某事的合法性等。例如:

    • The coach will test the athletes for their speed and endurance.(教练会测试运动员的速度和耐力。)
    • The court will test the new law for its constitutionality.(法院会测试新法律是否符合宪法。)

    3. test for (a) positive/negative(测试是否为阳性/阴性)

    test for后面还可以接形容词positive或者negative,表示测试结果的阳性或阴性。例如:

    • The doctor will test for a positive/negative pregnancy.(医生会测试是否怀孕为阳性或阴性。)
    • The lab will test for a positive/negative HIV result.(实验室会测试HIV检测结果是否为阳性或阴性。)

    三、test for的近义词和反义词

    1. 近义词

    • check for:也表示测试或者检查某种情况或属性的存在或符合要求。例如:The lab will check for the presence of chemicals in the sample.(实验室会测试样品中是否存在化学物质。)
    • examine for:也表示测试或者检查某种情况或属性的存在或符合要求,通常用于医学或学术领域。例如:The doctor will examine the patient for signs of illness.(医生会检查病人是否有疾病的迹象。)

    2. 反义词

    • ignore:表示无视或者忽略某种情况或属性的存在或符合要求。例如:The company chose to ignore the warning signs and suffered the consequences.(公司选择无视警告信号并遭受了后果。)
    • neglect:表示忽略或者疏忽某种情况或属性的存在或符合要求。例如:The parents were accused of neglecting their child's education.(父母被指责忽视了孩子的教育。)

    四、test for的例句

    1. The teacher will test for understanding by asking questions at the end of the lesson.(老师会通过在课程结束时提问来测试学生是否理解。)
    2. The lab will test for the level of lead in the soil sample.(实验室会测试土壤样品中铅的含量。)
    3. The police will test for the presence of alcohol in the driver's blood.(警方会测试司机血液中的酒精含量。)
    4. The doctor will test the patient for the flu virus.(医生会测试病人是否患有流感病毒。)

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