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thirst for revenge是什么意思,thirst for revenge的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 渴求复仇

  • 例句

  • Nowadays they insist they do not thirst for revenge.


  • Now, as his antagonism was again rising and he had almost reached the house, the anthropologist was certain that he would be able to apprehend the ape and appease his thirst for revenge.


  • Now, as his antagonism was again rising and he had almost reached the house, the anthropologist was certain that he would be able to apprehend the ape and appease his thirst for revenge.


  • 网络扩展资料

    单词:thirst for revenge

    Thirst for revenge 表示对于某一人或组织的报复渴望,通常被用来描述一个人对于某种不公或受到了虐待,想要通过复仇来满足自己的愿望。以下是该单词的详细解释:

    • 例句

      1. He had a thirst for revenge after being wrongfully accused of theft. (他因被错误指控盗窃而渴望复仇。)
      2. The character in the movie had a thirst for revenge after his family was killed. (电影中的角色在他的家人被杀后渴望复仇。)
    • 用法

      Thirst for revenge 可以用作动词短语,也可以作为名词。例如:

      1. 他渴望复仇。 (He thirsts for revenge.)
      2. 她充满了复仇的渴望。 (She has a thirst for revenge.)
    • 解释

      Thirst for revenge 的解释是渴望复仇,表示一种强烈的情感,通常由被冤屈或受到伤害的人表达出来。这种情感经常包含仇恨、怨恨以及对于正义的渴望。

    • 近义词

      Thirst for revenge 的近义词包括:desire for revenge,longing for revenge,craving for revenge等。

    • 反义词


    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/thirst+for+revenge.html
