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transformation process是什么意思,transformation process的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 转换过程,转换程序;变革过程

  • 例句

  • The code in Listing 3 triggers the transformation process.

    清单 3 中的代码用于触发转换过程。

  • In many situations, problems are uncovered in early analysis of source data, or later in the design and implementation of a data transformation process.


  • Each operator represents a step in the transformation process.


  • This final phase of the transformation process focuses on extensive testing of the applications with real data.


  • A text template undergoes a transformation process which takes the text template file as input, transforms it, and generates an output text file.


  • To use and extend these transforms, one requires an understanding of how the underlying XML transformation process works.


  • This results in a single SCA component being created for that Global task during the transformation process.


  • Once the PIM is defined, the PSM (including the analysis and implementation models) can be generated using a transformation process based on the chosen implementation platform, as shown in Figure 1.


  • First of all, the paper gives a research framework of the proposed method, which describes the transformation process from natural language texts to object oriented knowledge architecture.


  • Thee design, operation, and control of the transformation process that converts resources into finished goods or services.


  • This element doesn't fit, so an error message pops up and the transformation process stops.


  • The inputs and outputs are either unknown or loosely defined, the transformation process lacks necessary precision, and quality control is not defined.


  • The transformation process that proceeds from code to executable is well-defined and automated, and object files are an integral link in the chain.


  • The transformation process has two steps.


  • The entire transformation process is completed with the deployment of a modern software development environment.


  • In the transformation process, SA models serialized as proprietary XML files have been reversed engineered.


  • Feed_forward control focuses on the regulation of inputs to ensure that they meet the standards necessary for the transformation process.


  • The elements of the XSL-FO vocabulary included in this transformation process deal with specific presentation aspects, such as fonts types and sizes, outlines, tables, pagination, and so forth.


  • A gradual legacy transformation process based on Service-Oriented Architecture principles is a more cost-effective and less risky way of selectively replacing the application portfolio of the company.


  • This transformation process is not trivial—more often than not it does not happen.


  • Then, those downstream models and artifacts might undergo further refinement that is not related to any semantic information managed by the transformation process.


  • The key to success lay in determining where to start the transformation process while keeping all moving parts aligned to strategic and tactical goals.


  • The legal system modernization is the growth and transformation process of the law civilization in the human society.


  • This paper mainly describes the intelligence structure designing for the fairing, space kinematics in the transformation process of the fairing simulating fake warhead and the dynamic analysis.


  • Studies suggest that the GM transformation process may have increased natural allergens in soybeans.


  • 网络扩展资料

    • 词性:名词
    • 发音:[ˌtrænsfərˈmeɪʃn]
    • 定义:指变形、变化、转变的过程或结果
    • 用法:
      • The transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly is a beautiful process.(毛毛虫变成蝴蝶的转化过程非常美丽。)
      • The transformation of the company's image has been successful.(公司形象的转变已经取得了成功。)
    • 解释:transformation表示一个物体、事物或情况由一种状态转变为另一种状态的过程或结果。这种变化可以是物质上的,也可以是精神上的。通常情况下,这个词语所描述的变化都是有意义的或积极的。
    • 近义词:change、conversion、metamorphosis、transition等
    • 反义词:stagnation、stasis


    • 词性:名词
    • 发音:[ˈprɑːses]
    • 定义:指完成某项工作或达到某个目标所需的连续事件或步骤
    • 用法:
      • The process of making bread requires a lot of patience.(制作面包的过程需要很多耐心。)
      • We need to improve our hiring process to attract better candidates.(我们需要改进招聘流程,以吸引更好的候选人。)
    • 解释:process表示一系列有机联系的事件或步骤,这些事件或步骤需要按照一定的顺序进行,以完成某项工作或达到某个目标。这个词语常常用于描述一些需要特定技能或知识的工作,如制造、生产、管理等。
    • 近义词:procedure、method、operation、course等
    • 反义词:disorder、chaos、confusion

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