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varying measures是什么意思,varying measures的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 不同的方法;多种手段

  • 例句

  • Without one the other is incomplete, and it is a balance of each of these in varying measures at varying times that will yield success.


  • Under modem conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.


  • Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.


  • Officials counter that the problem is the volume of new measures, and varying competence in departments, rather than intransigence.


  • Varying the measures according to the lifecycle phases lets people focus on the risks and issues that are of greatest importance, at the time when this attention will have the greatest impact.


  • 网络扩展资料

    单词 "varying measures" 是由两个单词组成的词组。下面分别对这两个单词进行详细解释。


    • 词性: 形容词
    • 用法: 用于描述数量、程度、大小等有差异或不同的事物。
    • 例句:
      1. The temperature has been varying throughout the day. (温度在一天中一直在变化。)
      2. The company produces products in varying sizes. (该公司生产不同尺寸的产品。)
    • 近义词: different, diverse, assorted, miscellaneous
    • 反义词: constant, unchanging, uniform, consistent


    • 词性: 名词
    • 用法: 用于描述采取的行动或方法。
    • 例句:
      1. The government has taken measures to control the spread of the virus. (政府已采取措施控制病毒的传播。)
      2. The company implemented measures to reduce waste. (公司实施了减少浪费的措施。)
    • 近义词: actions, steps, procedures, strategies
    • 反义词: inaction, negligence, omission, disregard

    因此,"varying measures" 表示采取的行动或方法具有不同的数量、程度、大小等差异。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/varying+measures.html
